Last week we had the chance to win a gorgeous rainbow T-Con and it made me think of ToyCon UK again. ToyCon UK will always be my favourite designer toy event and I really hope there will be another ToyCon UK again in the future.
In the mean time a Flashback Friday never hurts anyone, right? I still have a lot of photos to share from the artists that were able to make it this year and showed their wonderful work. So that can only mean one thing: time for a new blog! We may not be able to go to toy events in person right now, but we can definitely look back at the great times we already had and enjoy the amazing pieces of all these wonderful artists.
David Stevenson has a very recognisable style that works well on every piece he customises. I love the leaves and flowers and thought it looked particularly great on the T-Cons he brought (though I may be biased). I especially liked the green and brown T-Con, but there were several other great pieces too. The pink cube whale (a collaboration with Sank Toys) is very cute and the skulls looked amazing too. Overall a lot of different platforms to enjoy!

A recent teaser from The Toy Chronicle made me wonder if we can expect a collaboration with Dead Beat City soon. His work is absolutely incredible and if this is the case that would be really awesome! I had so many favourites that it’s hard to make a top three, but if I really had to choose I think I’d go with the pandas (I just love pandas, can’t help it), the honey and bee bears, and the bear in a bear city bears (wow, that was a lot of bear in one sentence). Then again the bears that light up are great too… Okay, I’ll stop here and just show the photos so you can make up your own mind.
Another lovely booth was that of Atomic Studios and Grum Reapur. With Wolfgang (of which the first resin pulls have recently been made), the Ice Cream Sandwich Man, a cool apple and several other figures, Atomic Toys definitely knows how to bring adorable characters to life!
Besides these lovely fellows you could also find a wonderful assortment of Grums here. Designed to raise awareness about mental health and as a reminder to enjoy every moment these aren’t your average designer toys. Personally I really liked the white splattered and yellow Grums. The last one reminded me of the summer sun. Such a great colour! The vampire edition was super fun as well and who doesn’t like a cute little pink Grum? Especially while we still haven’t returned to our normal lives Grums remind us it’s okay not to be okay. We all need a (digital) hug sometimes.

With the beautiful rainbow colours Zukaty Toys used for his work, it was impossible to miss his booth. While they looked amazing together, each piece looked fantastic on its own as well. From the adorable shocked UAMOU, to a series of Seedlas and grinning triplets. My favourite piece was probably the beautiful TriDino. It even glowed in the dark (as did other pieces, but who doesn’t love a glowing dinosaur?)! Definitely an artist to check out.

While I like cute toys, Sunguts definitely also brought the naughty to ToyCon UK. Boobs anyone 😉? Besides these fun boobtoys you could also find a huge golden dragon and several small dragon friends plus a huge assortment of other characters at his booth. I thought the dressed characters with a tulip and animal heads were really cute and the little guys sticking their tongues out are adorable too. I definitely hope Sunguts will be able to visit us again!
Another booth with a huge amount of fun toys was that of Cometdebris. I don’t want to say it’s impossible to name my favourites, but it sure isn’t easy! The custom painted silver glitter Kid X probably is my number one. I mean, who can resist glitters and that cute face? Then again, the Ace Robo ToyCon UK exclusive was super cute as well and I love the colour combination on him. To make the choice even more difficult there were several amazing Kappaborgs including a pink glitter one. Cometdebris definitely had a lot of great toys to collect.
The last booth I will feature this blog is from Creature Bazaar. While these toys are quite different from what I collect myself, there were a lot of amazing pieces to be found here. I really love the treelike creature and the heart sets with a display including two little monsters inside. The details on these was amazing. There was a great collection of skulls to choose from as well. Overall simply a wonderful booth.

With that being said, as I (very) slowly continue to go through all my photos, I am happy I was able to meet so many wonderful people again this year. From familiar to new faces, ToyCon UK is always a blessing.
Check out my other ToyCon UK blogs here: I, II, III, V and VI.
If you want to support The Toy Chronicle, we have a number of options available to you. We have started to stock a wide range of releases that we think you will enjoy. Ranging from production pieces from Superplastic, to original pieces from our favourite artists. Purchasing one of our pins also really help. A quick, cheap way to also support the TTC is by making a small donation. These can all be completed below through our online shop. We appreciate all the support! Thanks!