HERE WE GO! This weekend will be the official launch of the ToyCon UK 2019 tickets. We are just as excited & relieved to hear the new dates for the 2019 edition of ToyConUK
A whole weekend of Designer Toy awesomeness! Start making your plans to visit London next March. Book your trains, planes & automobiles now. We fully expect to see you all there. ALL OF YOU. ToyConUK 2019 will once again be held at York Hall in Bethnal Green.

We cannot believe that in 2019 it will be the seventh TCUK when it rolls around next March. We can still recall the first ToyConUK way back in 2013. The Toy Chronicle wasn’t even a thing back then, but on that fateful day on 6th April 2013 was the catalyst for the start of TTC. Queueing up at some ungodly hour was when Andy met Gary. We locked eyes and knew from that day forward we would be the best of lovers. It was destiny. Several months later, TTC was born. We all rejoiced. Let us all celebrate once again at ToyConUK 2019! See you there!
Stick these dates in your Designer Toy calendar now:
ToyCon UK Saturday 30th March & Sunday 31st March 2019

ToyCon UK 2019 tickets on sale, this Saturday

Check out this year ToyCon UK recap below.

Check out ToyConUK on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram!