The Toy Chronicle First Birthday Print

More Ace Details on The Toy Chronicle First Birthday Bash!

Following on from our exclusive ToyConUK 2015 ticket announcement just now, we’d like to up the ante a little and announce some fun & awesome details regarding our first birthday bash on Saturday 25th October!

So, where to start…

How about we announce details of our exclusive limited print, that has been lovingly designed by our beautiful – Rich Sheehan aka Toy Terror! This A3 sized print (below) will be available to purchase on the 25th for £20 each.

[frame align=”center”]TTC Birthday Print by Rich Sheehan[/frame]

Rich has done a cracking job of capturing numerous designer toys surrounding our first birthday cake, it looks fantastic if we do say so ourselves.

Only 25 will be available to purchase, and each will be numbered. If you would like to pre-order your print, please contact us at and we’ll send you payment details. If you’re attending our birthday bash, you can collect your print on the day, otherwise we’ll ship the print to you after the 25th.


Hey, so we promised that there will be ice scream available on the day too, and we didn’t want to disappoint! Our bearded beauty – Uncle Absinthe – has kindly customised a number of special Brutherford Industries Ice Scream men exclusively for The Toy Chronicle! Each piece is unique as all the leaves are hand sculpted. Smart.

[frame align=”center”]Uncle Absinthe Ice Scream[/frame]

There will be six small ice screams, priced at a super special birthday price of £20. There will be one unique large ice scream available for £50. Raffle tickets will be available on the 25th to win a chase Gloss Black/Gold ice scream. If you buy a small or large ice scream, you will get extra tickets to win the chase. Ace!

Another nice surprise for the first 20 attendees on the 25th will be a rather special party loot bag. Imagine a party bag from a children’s party BUT with a designer toy twist. Our good friends Collect & Display will be supplying some goodies, as well as numerous other fun items that we have put together too. Remember this is only available in a limited quantity, so if you want to get hold of these ‘must-have’ bags, you’ll need to be one of the first to arrive on Saturday 25th October! The bags will be given out at Wildcard Brewery, but those who arrive early to attend the Toy Shack visit will be noted and ensure they get their names down to receive this awesome little gift from The Toy Chronicle.

Also, as we mentioned on our Facebook page this morning, we placed our order for our ‘toy related’ birthday cake from the awesome folk at Heartache Cakes. We have no pictures to share at this time, but this is going to be a yummy cake for all those that attend on the 25th.

So the 25th is sounding like an absolute banger of a day. ToyConUK 2015 tickets, Birthday Print, Ice Scream, Party Loot Bags, Cake! As well as visits to the Toy Shack & Wildcard Brewery. Good company, great beer, awesome day! We look forward to seeing as many of your beautiful faces as possible!

Let us know if you have any questions!



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Written by TTC Beard

Hype Boi. Beard Wearer. Vinyl Addict. Pub Poker Fish. Beer Drinker.

A man of many talents, master of none.

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