We Want You!


We want to see your Collection!

We here at The Toy Chronicle are vinyl voyeurs. We like to see what folk have got going on behind closed doors.

The Toy Chronicle want to see your collection of toys – whether they be Vinyl or Resin (or anything else for that matter) – The Toy Chronicle wants to see it! We want to see what everyone has on your shelves, in your Ikea detolfs, on your mantlepieces. We want to ‘ohhhh’ and ‘ahhhh’ over nice collections.

So, if you wanna get involved… actually scrap that… when you wanna get involved, please email collections@thetoychronicle.com with a nice shot of your collection with a brief quote about your collection.

We have a page all set-up for you too. Head over to Collections now and see an example of what we’re looking for.


The Toy Chronicle

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TTC Legend

Written by TTC Beard

Hype Boi. Beard Wearer. Vinyl Addict. Pub Poker Fish. Beer Drinker.

A man of many talents, master of none.

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