Neese plush from Monsters and Mecha has just shown pictures of her latest Raar! (That I’m calling rainbow Raar!) over on her Facebook page.
As with the Jade Green Raar! that we reviewed this stands at 14″ tall and is (sort of) a colab piece as the horns and claws are resin cast by Neese’s other half, non other that DMS.
I think you will all agree that the colours used on this Raar! really pop and would stand out in any collection.
Unfortunately this particular Raar! Was a commission so is not available to buy but I’m sure Nesse will be more that happy to chat about getting one for yourself!
You can get in contact with Nesse or DMS via the Monsters and Mecha website and also keep an eye out for future pieces on their store
Neese just posted the following comment on our Facebook link to this blog!!!!
This is great news for any plush fans going to ToyConUK next year!!!