The latest colour way of their 5 Inch stomping Mascot, T-Con the Toyconosaurus. Made from intense glow in the dark vinyl and finished with hot pink, acid green and gold sprays.
Quality/ Design
The build quality is at its best! A job well done by The Unbox Industries, the balance and the arm movement is perfect.
This is such a great platform as you can see from the T-Con show, there is plenty of potential for artist to play around with. Look at the examples if you haven’t HERE If you have then Look again to refresh your memory.
The paint work is exceptional with very little over paint. In the dark it just glows so bright and yet they made the little guy sill having features highlighted when it glows.
The Hang Gang really do know what they’re doing when designing the colour! The pink just matches, and the touches of gold.
The area around the mouth is better then I expected, because of the size I didn’t think detail like the tongue and teeth would be good, but I was wrong. What I’m trying to say is they could have taken the easy route of just making a smooth painted mouth, but instead they sculpted it, which is a bonus for me. All the little fine details are a winner for me. Nice sculpt work Holly (A Little Stranger) and perfect production by Unbox Industries.
Great collaboration between the three and long may it continue.
You all should check out Holly’s case study: The Making of Tcon HERE
Priced at £35 for the GID, which in my view is a good price good quality and lasting design.
Fancy designing a T-Con ToyConosaurus? they have a couple left over HERE
Or take a couple of the crazy artist customs from the T-Con show.
(some of these still need a nice home)
Lets hope that other artists will make a collaboration production of the ToyConosaurus.
Leave you with our video of the T-Con show.
[youtube url=””]
The artists contributing to the show are: Abell | Blobpus | Brian Flynn | Charles Rodríguez | Chima Group | Chris Dobson (Alto) | Cris Rose | D-lux | Datadub | Dream Rocket | Dril One | Gary Ham | Goto San | Hariken | Haus of Boz | Hugh Rose | Josh Herbolsheimer | JPK | Kerry Dyer | Lisa Rae Hansen | Luke Chueh | Lunabee | Map Map | Mark Nagata | Mike Strick | Nerd One | Paul Kaiju | Pete Fowler | Planet Domu | Podgy Panda | PPPudding | Ralph Niese | Rampage toys | Refreshment | Robotic Ind | Run DMB | Scott Tolleson | Skull Toys | Squink! | Stu Witter | Sunguts | Topheroy | Triclops | Uamou | Ume Toys | Yamomark