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Mister Spookinson by Alex Gallego!

It’s easy to think that all TTC posts are now directing your thoughts towards Taipei Toy Festival, but that’s not the case with this Halloweenie based post that we bring to you today! Prepare to be spooked by Mister Spookinson by Spanish artist, Alex Gallego!

Mister Spookinson is around 2inches tall and can spook the living daylights out of your granny! Priced at 20euro each + (5euro shipping) you can choose your Mister Sppokingson from three colours: Pimple Pink, Muscle Flesh or Vomit Yellow! If you’re interested in purchase one (or all three colours) you can email Alex at or you can drop Alex a DM on Instagram HERE and Facebook HERE.


These miniature Spooky resin figures are Gallego’s second figure in fact, his first is Franken Hipster (pictured below). Both Spookinson & Franken Hipster are fantastically sculpted and look like really fun characters! You can also message Alex about Franken Hipster too. Same price as Spookinson (20+5euro).

Don’t forget you can follow Alex on Instagram HERE and Facebook HERE!



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TTC Legend

Written by TTC Beard

Hype Boi. Beard Wearer. Vinyl Addict. Pub Poker Fish. Beer Drinker.

A man of many talents, master of none.

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