NOTHING will stand in the way of “Asteroid X / 通擘猿猴” Who or what wants to try and test ASTEROID will be punished! Look at the size of this guy! The guys at Kaiju One keep on bringing the heat into the game. With heroes like Kaiju One’s Sun Sun there must be bad guys, right?
During the Battle of the Apes, Sun Sun must be defeated … Watch out .. “Asteroid X” is going to beat the shit out of Sun Sun ..
通臂猿猴,傳説中混世四猴之一 ,六道眾生以外及地上最強の生物 十強武者 .. 拿日月,縮千山,辨休咎,乾坤摩弄。
猿猴爭霸戰啟動 …
Height = 20 cm tall
WHEN: now till the end of 8 May 2022 23:59 (Hong Kong time).
WHERE: To order, please send an e-mail to the following address:-
Email Title: Kaiju One – “Asteroid X”
Please indicate your choice
①Instagram ID
②Name + Shipping address
③Phone number
Set price is US$150 plus shipping fees ….
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