Forget the anticipation of today’s launch of Elon Musk‘s SpaceX Starship launch! our eyes are glued for Jei Tseng’s solo exhibition! the mastermind behind JT Studio who brought you all the fantastic high-end action figures, the mighty YOX and NOIS has his deserved first-ever solo exhibition at P P P Gallery. Watching Jei’s cement his art within the scene, to landing a solo show makes us tear up a little and happy Jei has a solo show! Below is a little teaser of what to expect at the show as P P P Gallery Presents Jei Tseng The Art of NOIS Solo Exhibition.
Under the seemingly calm appearance, people are often subjected to countless doubts and criticisms, whether from others or self-doubt. These non-stop voices are restless and disturbing our lives, making us unable to hear the true inner truth. eager. In the NOIS series, I incorporate my source of inspiration, that is, the noises that constantly appear in life, into my works. Through the transformation of these sounds through visual images, I try to eliminate external noises, find inner peace and freedom, and speak up bravely for my ideals and goals. The Art of Nois invites you to listen to your inner voice and achieve a stronger self in this noisy generation.

【The Art of NOIS 】Jei Tseng Solo Exhibition
The Art of Nois 邀請你一同在這噪音不斷的世代裡,傾聽內心的聲音,成就更強大的自我。
In The Art of NOIS solo exhibition, you will not only appreciate the latest series of NOIS works but also be welcome to communicate with each other to understand the creative concept and creative process. Whether you are someone who is interested in art and design, or someone who is curious about creativity and inspiration, this solo exhibition will bring you a rich experience. In addition to Jei’s works, this time Jei has also invited artists from all over the world DirtyRobot , Jee saya, Quiccs, Mulo, Vastar, 頌君, Kenneth Tang 進行共同創作 to create together using the NOIS as a canvas!


In addition, JT PLUS VIP members can use the official website to participate in the VIP PARTY, and a physical invitation letter has been sent. Due to the limited space of the venue, please go to the VIP page to register.
【The Art of NOIS 】 Jei Tseng Solo Exhibition
日期 Date|2023/ 4/29 ー 5/1
時間 Time|10:00-19:00( 5/1 至 17:00 )
地點 Venue|PPP藝文空間台北市中山區中山北路二段26巷2號1樓
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