Jei Tseng presents to you NOIS, a release that hits different notes than what we are used to seeing from Jei! Since the mighty YOX, we have not seen a designer art collectable from JT until now as he returns with his inner feelings and expression in form of an art piece. NOIS PLUS & MINUS will be the first in the new range from JT and you can tell what has influenced him in the design of NOIS. We spoke to JT earlier on in the week and all we can say is the NOIS will have plenty of variants which personally connect with JT passion and hobbies.
NOIS full of our lives. We bear countless noises under positive masks, and sometimes it makes us lose ourselves. At this moment, only by believing in our initial intentions and directions, we could find ourselves back.
NOIS is an independent series completed this year. Through the connection between me and my creations, I will use NOIS to convey the things I love, so that the series could be more integrated into life.
JT Studio
Regarding the design of the packaging box, it becomes a part of the display this time. In addition, more NOIS series works and VIP exclusive products will be launched in the future. Customers who successfully purchase NOIS on the official website between 6th June to 6th July can upgrade to JT PLUS Membership directly.

WHEN: Available on 6th, June / 0:00am New York Time
l PLUS Limited edition to 249 sets
l MINUS limited edition of 149 sets
l Each item will be individually numbered
l Price: $330 + shipping
l Size H31xW20xL8 cm
l Material :Vinyl / PVC / Resin
Matters needing attention
- NOIS is already in stock and will start shipping in July.
- After 6th July, purchasers will have no JT PLUS membership. If it sells out earlier than expected, the upgrading of membership would be terminated in advance.
- VIP qualification will be based on the email account used at the time of purchase, Please register for general membership in advance.
- Limit one purchase per account, both colours are available
2022 JT PLUS members can enjoy the following exclusive benefits
- You will enjoy the official exclusive purchase of JT PLUS at JEITSENG.COM
(a. Exclusive products purchase right only for JT PLUS MEMBERSHIP
(b. The right of prior purchase (24 hours before the release of all new works).
*Please note that new product will no longer be available if being sold out when membership. channel launched.
- 2022 VVIP Metal Individual Number Membership Card (membership card will be sent separately)
- 2022 – NOIS Vinyl Figure
NOIS 是於今年完成的獨立系列作品。透過自身與作品的連結,我將以NOIS傳達所愛的事物、並試圖融入作品於生活之中。
今次在設計上將包裝盒變成展示收藏的一部份,往後也將推出更多NOIS系列作品以及VIP專屬商品。成功於6/6~7/6官網上購買NOIS的顧客可直接升級JT PLUS會員(僅限於官網購買)。
| 販售時間:6/6 12:00pm
| PLUS 限量 249套
| MINUS 限量149套
| 每款將有獨立編號
| 售價: 330美元 系統將按照當天匯率
| 尺寸:H31xW20xL8 cm
| 材質:搪膠 / PVC / 樹脂
. NOIS已經是現貨,將於下單後15天內開始發貨。
. 商品由海外倉庫出貨,不含進口稅,台灣地區客戶需要填寫身分證字號
. 7/6以後購買者將無JT PLUS會員資格,如提早售完,即提前結束會員升級資格。
. VIP資格將按照購買時的使用的電郵帳號, 請提早註冊一般會員
. 每個帳號限購每色一件
包裹尺寸: 37 x 24.5×12 cm
2022 JT PLUS會員可享有以下專屬待遇
. 將享有JT PLUS 官方專屬購買通道
(a. 限定商品購買權利
(b. 所有新作品開賣前24小時的優先購買權
. 如新開賣的產品數量在會員通道開售時即售完,將不會再公開販售
. 2022 VVIP金屬獨立編號會員卡(會員卡將另外寄出)
. 2022 – NOIS
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