Last week you may have seen the finished BUTTERBEE by QUICCS x UMETOYS x FLABSLAB, if you were snoozing check it out HERE. In the article, we included the OG BUTTERBEE prototype which is a project between our very own British counterpart UMEToys (Richard Page) and FLABSLAB. “Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee” from the great Muhammad Ali. The motto adopted by the guys at FLABSLAB. Time has come for a mascot toy from FLABSLAB and BUTTERBEE is all finished and ready to take flight.
Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. The hands can’t hit what the eyes can’t see.
Doing cute stuff is something we hardly do. Resistance is futile. We just couldn’t help but to get the uber cool Richard Page (@richpage) to do the sculpt of this mutant who couldn’t decide if it’s a butterfly or a bee.
Paint prototype by the very kind @quiccs and here we have the very first version of the ButterBee.
Standing a proud 5″ and cast in resin.