RunDMB give Kidrobot Russel Hobbs from Gorillaz the RunDMB treatment. In my eye’s it looks better then the Original version. with the trademark RunDMB style patterned camo on the jacket and giving each layer of clothing a wash of DMB style.
RunDMB does not skip out on details, even the shoes have a nice blue outline and with the addition of a dope skull on the hand.
I think why I love this custom is RunDMB has combined so many variation of colours and touches to make the figure standout even more. The more you look at it the more interesting features it has, for example on the face he has light blue paint marks to high light the shadows.
RunDMB Red Mutuca will be at this years ToyconUK 2015 so make sure you stay tuned to see whats going to be on their booth.
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