If you cast your mind back to the middle of last week, we brought you news about the NUKES Crypto-action figure release by Signalnoise (read HERE if you missed it).
This particular release from Signalnoise first caught our attention, as we have become increasingly fascinated with the whole NFT craze that seems to be spreading faster than wildfire on the Blackwater Bay.
Artist that we know fondly from the Designer Toy world that have stepped into the NFT market, have had some great successes in recent times. Karmieh Toys, Jermaine Rogers, Tara McPherson, Superplastic, Frank Kozik, Ron English & Juce Gace all off the top of our heads.
With this NUKES release, it wasn’t just the NFT aspect but also the addition of the physical release tied in with the NFT that really piqued our attention.

Signalnoise had a one-of-a-kind Chrome Reaper (pictured above) that started as an auction release on Friday evening and ran for 48hr hours. Within the first hour the bidding was up to around 5Ξ ($8300). Incredible, but that didn’t stop there. As with many online auctions, the real fun began as the timer got close to 0:00:00 when the real bidding kicked into hyper! With KnownOrigin, the timer resets to 15:00:00 upon the completion of a successful bid. Watching eagerly on Sunday evening, the bids rolled in as the time extended until one bidder decided to end this in the best way possible. No more mister nice guy mode activated, with a 4.26Ξ bid increase ($7118). The 15 minute timer expired and the winning bid of 18.8Ξ ($31,384) was accepted. Incredible! Congrats to Signalnoise!
We are hoping that the success from the NUKES release, will open up for the other artists to see that NFT + Physical releases can be a huge success. No doubt artists are already deep into thinking about these, but seeing it in action will be pleasing.
Huge success on the one-of-a-kind Chrome Reaper, but Signalnoise wasn’t done there either. Over the course of the weekend, Signalnoise also sold 35 of 50 of the Neon Reaper NFT + Physical release. Each priced at 2Ξ ($3,543). The remaining 15 are available on KnownOrigin.io HERE.

We should also mention that Signalnoise donated 36,000 trees as part of his promise based on the number of Reaper NFT sold this weekend! 36,000 TREES!
Signalnoise Social Media
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/signalnoise/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/signalnoise
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