Full steam ahead and all systems go as Taipei Toy Festival is just days away! Time for the big reveal from Monster Taipei’s EXCLUSIVE line up for Taipei Toy Festival 台北國際玩具創作大展 2018 攤位販售規則公告. Get your body armour and bank accounts ready, possibly some tissues to wipe those tears away as Monster Taipei shows what’s going to be on offer at their booth. Both the amount and pricing have just been announced by Monster Taipei. over 10 exclusive pieces made for TTF! Good luck to the lucky sods who are heading to TTF.
■ 攤位限定商品採“先到先得”販售方式。
■ 每人每樣限定商品限購買一組。
■ 現場僅接受現金交易。
■ 展覽開展時,消費者到攤位時請出示已蓋過入場章的當日門票並依照現場工作人員指示依序排隊購買。
■ 分日販售之限定商品圖片中皆有標示日期,其他無特別註明日期的限定商品皆在TTF首日10/18開始販售,售完為止。
■ Every customer can buy each one at most. First, come first buy and cash only.
DATE: 2018.10.18 (Thu.) ~ 2018.10.21 (Sun.)
HOURS: 10:00-19:00 (10/21 10:00-18:30)
LOCATION: Huashan Creative Park / Building East 2 & Building Center 4B (1F & 2F)
No.1,Bade Road Sec.1,Zhong Zhen District,Taipei 100
MAIN VISUAL DESIGN: T9G x Shoko Nakazawa, INSTINCTOY x James Groman
ADMISSION FEE: Early Bird Ticket $220 (8.25-9.30 ON SALE NOW), Full-Priced Ticket $250 (10.1-10.21), Coin Ticket Set $450 (8.24 on sale, SOLD OUT) Prices are in Taiwan Dollars.
You can get your daily Designer Toy fix from our TTC Mobile App. It’s free too! FREE! Download on the iPhone or Android smartphones. Search for “The Toy Chronicle” and all your Designer Toy wishes will come true! Pretty much.