When East and West collide beautiful things can happen! JPK and Chino Lam of 豆もやし社長 – Mame Moyashi join forces to bring you a range of customs for BTS 2018. JPK’s signature style over Chino’s wide range of platforms that range from the mighty SENPAI to the HATTORI. BTS will see both DTA 2018 award winners will team up for the first time. Chino whos had projects with Nike/Nisshin/Dough-boy just to name a few, has given JPK a wide range of canvas to use to give Chino’s characters a different perspective. The customs will be all One of a Kind pieces all blessed by JPK himself. Don’t forget to get your sketchbooks and selfie sticks JPK and Chino will be ready for your Selfies.
大豆芽社長Chino Lam林輝與英國著名藝術家Jon Paul Kaiser(又稱JPK)首次正式聯名合作!以其獨特的風格,JPK為Chino的大豆芽水產及大豆芽動物園的經典角色打做獨一無二的細膩精緻塗裝。每款公仔全球只有一隻,共30多款(其中有2款會與塗裝師Louis7合作),將於BTS期間在Chino的豆の藝廊Mame Gallery內展出。 JPK,英國知名藝術家,作品擅長以厚實的黑對比鮮明的白,,營造強烈的光暗對立;加上獨特的圖案風格,以及細膩精緻的紋身技巧,令他在本土打響名堂及獲得多個設計師玩具界的世界級獎頂。 Chino Lam林輝,香港著名設計師。於2016年開始先後推出成名品牌《大豆芽水產》/《大豆芽動物園》/《 山海GANG 》系列,及後繼續與潮流/音樂界(如Nike/日清/Dough-boy)推出單品/系列,最新力作為Homiez系列。憑著筆下創作,連續兩屇獲得設計師玩具界的世界級獎項。
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Bonus! 古辛 Louiz Tsai aka Louiz7 will be at the Mame Gallery booth, Check the teaser below. Talk about a three hit combo, Chino, JPK and 古辛 Louiz7.
Show:Beijing Toy Show
Address:China National Convention Center No. 7 Tianchen East Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China
Date:7-9 September 2018
Time:9:00-17:00(16:30 entrance closed)
Before you leave, have you check out the HATTORI LEO?
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Follow Chino on his artist page HERE.
Find Mame Moyashi on Facebook.