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Brandt Peters & Kathie Olivas Future’s Past Pop-up at Woot Bear Update

Update for you guys who are on the fence on attending Brandt Peters & Kathie Olivas Future’s Past Pop-up at Woot Bear Gallery. Time to feast your eyes on more goodness that’s going to be at the pop-up. Brandt Peters & Kathie Olivas heading to The Golden City San Francisco this weekend! Bring along with them will be a host of one of a kind pieces as well as plenty of resin figures. Future’s Past Pop-up at Woot Bear Gallery will be a chance for collectors and fans to meet Brandt & Kathie in person and take that all important selfie, HA just joking. A chance to see Brandt & Kathie art up close and personal and getting a chance to own some exclusive treats at the “Future Past” Pop-up.

Heres a little taster what to expect at “Future Past” Pop-up.

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”Future’s Past”

Join the super duo Brandt Peters & Kathie Olivas for their opening reception on February 17th! Included in the show will be new original works, special custom figures, merchandise, and two collaboration figures with Scott Wilkowski.


Scott Wilkowski has been joining in the fun too, casting a few goodies as you can see, will we see some infected Brandt Peters & Kathie Olivas goodness? Stay tuned for more info and even more teasers! Save the date.

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WHEN: Futures Past at Woot Bear in SanFrancisco. Opening Ceremony opens Saturday, February 17th, 2018, 6-9pm until March 19th, 2018.

WHERE: Woot Bear (1512 Haight Street, SF 94117)

All art will be online for purchase during the show, price list and preview list HERE.

For further info


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Kathie Olivas is an internationally exhibited multi-media artist from New Mexico. Through her current body of work she explores society’s insatiable desire to assign ‘cuteness’ and our discomfort with the unknown. A dark blend of early American portraiture set in post apocalyptic times, Kathie’s paintings and sculptures are a satirical look at how fear affects our sense of reality.

Brandt Peters is an internationally recognized artist, illustrator, character and toy designer. His work hearkens back to the earliest days of comics and animation, with a seeming simplicity that hides layers of intricate back story. His unerring sense of composition, combined with a strong narrative thread that has consistently woven through all his work for the past decade, has made him a favorite of art and toy collectors the world over.

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Written by Andy

A Yellow guy with bad English who's a chef by trade but addicted to toys and art. Instagram nutter rambling food addict who likes to take photos of everything I eat (most Asians do right?) Please don't class me as a journalist or blogger, more on the lines of talent scout and always backs the little guy.

Instagram ( BigToyPoo)
I am that one dickhead too.

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