Scott Wetterschneider ready to unleash his resin figure Birfy. Birfy is perilously close to leaving the nest, and he’s not really all that happy about it. It’s a big, scary world out there, and life can be tough on a little gormless baby bird. Birfy is 3.5″ of gormless resin. Colorway to be decided, but it will most likely be a cheery plucked chicken pink of some sort.

Scott Wetterschneider has sculpted a frightening number of art toys for heavyweights like MVH, Brandt Peters, Kathie Olivas, Chris Ryniak, Scott Tolleson, Nathan Jurevicius, Ferg and Ashley Wood. If you’re a fan and a collector you most likely have at least one of his sculpts in your collection already, if not more. It was about time for Scott to shine on his own work.
So Birfy is in production, whether he likes it or not. I’ve been working out the colourways, and feeling like gross pink is the way to go.
Catch Scott via