Some good news and some bad news for all you Ron English fans. ARE YOU ALL READY for the all new McSupersized latest version. Folks heading to Philippine Toy Con and PopLife Fan Xperience will have first dibs getting hold of this version but the guys at Toy Tokyo have brilliant news for peeps who cannot make those two events.
“Master Popagandist Ron English does it yet again with his latest rendition of his ever-so-popular McSupersized. This time it is in honor of the Philippine Toy Con and PopLife Fan Xperience (though not an official release for either event).”
This is a Secret Base / Toy Tokyo release with Exclusive US distribution through…you guessed it…right here at
The item will be available for purchase online at
Friday June 10th at 3pm Eastern Standard Time, or Noon Pacific Standard Time for a very short, surprise pop-up sale.
Feel sorry for you completist collectors with the the amount of McSupersized variations. Personally i’m not feelin this colourway, red and gold is nice but it doesn’t work well with the X-ray face. By hey thats my own personal taste. Good Luck to all who are looking to score this version.
A Yellow guy with bad English who's a chef by trade but addicted to toys and art. Instagram nutter rambling food addict who likes to take photos of everything I eat (most Asians do right?) Please don't class me as a journalist or blogger, more on the lines of talent scout and always backs the little guy.
Instagram ( BigToyPoo)
I am that one dickhead too.