Sky Ninja clan expands to the deepest depths of HELL! Our buddies at Kaiju One have announced The Best of the Sky Ninja – “FLAME” has finally arrived to face off against his lifetime nemesis – NINJA of MIZU / “水忍” ( coming in July ) … The strong one will die and only the strongest will survive. As we said previously, the G.I JOE aint got shit on the Sky Ninja clan!
This is “THE FLAMING SKY NINJA & CHASHU MARU” / “炎の忍者 及 他的尊屬忍犬 – 义燒丸” Kaiju One is giving you the chance to own THE FLAMING SKY NINJA & CHASHU MARU this week.
WHEN: now till 20th May 2023 23:59 (Hong Kong time).
WHERE: To order, please send an e-mail to the following address:-
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Retail Price – US$135 Plus Shipping