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Scott Wilkowski Presents The Relic of Ivy

Scott Wilkowski shocked Asia at Taipei Toy Festival 2024 with the debut of Relic of Ivy which stands 6″ tall with stand. encrusted in Scotts signiutre style all 6inchs of pure gruesome detail in Scotts trendsetting style. Fans of new and old have been banking on the door for Scott to unleash more and it looks like you guys have twisted his arm to unleash more into the world kicking off 2025 in true fashion with 3 variants to choose from or if you’re a big boy you can go for the triple pack!

Cast in two color hand mixed cold cast resin. All colors will vary.

DM Scott for any request for colours. Scott will do his best to create them.

Orders may take two to three weeks for delivery.



PRICE: $75.00 single or  $215 triple pack!

If for any reason the Paypal buttons are not working correctly please DM Scott via Instagram your colour selection via IG or FB or email your colour selection to
Overseas orders please send an additional $15. Orders may take up to four weeks for delivery.

Find Scott via and Instagram.

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TTC Legend

Written by Andy

A Yellow guy with bad English who's a chef by trade but addicted to toys and art. Instagram nutter rambling food addict who likes to take photos of everything I eat (most Asians do right?) Please don't class me as a journalist or blogger, more on the lines of talent scout and always backs the little guy.

Instagram ( BigToyPoo)
I am that one dickhead too.

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