psycho cat

Psycho Cat by GreatCreat

You’re in love with a psycho, and there’s nothing you can do about it! Meet Psycho Cat by Indonesia artist, GreatCreat! Joining the previous releases from GreatCreat (read HERE), are two new Psycho Cats!

Available in black is the 3inch vinyl figure which is handpainted & airbrushed. Priced at $34.99 (£27). You can purchase the black Psycho Cat HERE. No details on run size of the black version.

There is a special edition White Psycho Cat too, which is limited edition but again no detail on the actual run size. Priced slightly higher at $39.99 (£30). You can purchase the White Psycho Cat SP on the GreatCreat site HERE.

GreatCreat can be found at the following social media accounts:

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