What a way to end the year with a new HIRONO series from POP MART, LANG and Inner Flow! Still, our personal POP MART series This all-new Hirono Reshape blind box series sees Hirono reshaped into 10 designs all with Hirono’s signature vulnerable look and for the first time, we see a glossy finish Hirono too within the series.
Sometimes, we drown in bad emotions, wear unfit costumes, get lost in bursting consumerism, and watch our voyage of life deviate from its normal route.
We can do nothing just like a vulnerable puppet.
However, when the tide of emotions fades away, when we embrace difficulties bravely, and when friends and families surround us, healing is underway.
We will all be reshaped someday and somewhere.
When do you feel reshaped? Share your story and let it be heard by yourself and people in the same situation.

Material: PVC/ABS
Height: 3.39-4.06 inches
The whole set contains 9 non-repeating blind boxes.
Chances of drawing a “secret” figurine vary from set to set.
To determine the local release time, please refer to the local POP MART account or channel in each respective country or region.
WHEN: December 29, 8pm PST 2023 (USA and CHINA released NOW)
WHERE: Offical POP MART AMAZON https://amzn.to/3umq0gM
Official POP MART https://a.aliexpress.com Aliexpress Use my code IN4Q2XO7 to redeem up to £4.00 coupons. <— helps me get a coffee and makes no difference to your POP MART addiction.
OR https://www.popmart.com/ (selected countries)