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CuteCute LoveLove

MAGURO & JIRO ToySoul 2020 Editions by CHINO LAM

The secret is out! With ToySoul 2020 being pushed back for another few more months, good things can still happen! Ever since the ToySoul posters been circulating practically everyone would have guessed it was signalling an exclusive release with Chino Lam. No way did we expect to have a double combo! Meet MAGURO& JIRO. TOYSOUL ver. MAGURO fronts a new expression and looks like he’s super angry! Its possible we are disturbing him shopping at ToySoul, HA.

「MAGURO & JIRO.TOYSOUL ver. 」參與抽選方法

17/6(週三)19:30〜21:30 (限時兩小時內) ※GMT +8

於6月17日星期三 GMT +8,19:30到21:30,我們將在Facebook,Instagram和微博上提供電郵地址。並在截止時間之前發電郵及填寫以下信息,
付款方式:銀行匯款 或 PayPal


– 港幣付款
– 得選者於五天內會收到電郵確認及款單,當收到請款單後,請於三天時間完成款項及發回轉帳收據項記錄。

– 確認付款後,我們將7日內發貨。發貨成功後,我們會以Email通知得選者運單編號及發貨情況。
– 如果未在截止日期前付款,我們將取消該得選資格,及可會被拒絕參與以後TOYSOUL的抽選活動。

– 每人申請一次。
– 如用重複電郵申請,將定為欺詐申請,會被取消參加活動資格
– 由於得選者將通過電子郵件宣布,因此請使用可以接收電子郵件的郵件地址來申請。
– 即使得選,如果在指定時間內填寫信息有關資料並不完整,我們也會將得選權移交給下一位人士。
– 請注意得選者盡量不要放棄。如果放棄,將來可能會被拒絕參與TOYSOUL的抽選活動。
– 請僅在您同意上述規定的情況下申請


Event is sponsored by Near D, official social media platform.

Limited to 300 units
HKD 1280 /unit ※Shipping not included
* Shipping maybe suspended due to the epidemic in the globe.

Method to join the 『MAGURO & JIRO. TOYSOUL ver.』online lucky draw and purchase event:

<Application period>
17/6(Wed) 19:30~21:30 ※GMT +8

<Application method via email>
1. Starting from 19:30 to 21:30 on Wed, June 17th (Hong Kong time) Application for the lucky draw will be available on Facebook, Instagram, and Weibo.
2. Send a mail with the information below
The title as” TOYSOUL – MAGURO & JIRO” before the deadline
Full Name:
Country and region:
Phone Number:
Payment method:PayPal or Bank-in

< Winner announcement >
Winners will be notified by email about the purchase method.

<Payment method and deadlines>
– Payment has to be made in Hong Kong Dollar (HKD)
– You will receive a confirmation email from us within 5 days. Please settle the payment within three days (3 days) after receiving the confirmation email and please send back the payment record to us.
– Please provide your PAYPAL email account if you settle the payment through PAYPAL.
– If you fail to provide the payment receipt, you may be deemed as unpaid.

<Shipping >
– After confirmation of payment, we will ship the product within 7 days and will notify you when the order has been shipped out.
– Purchase order will not be valid if payment is not received before deadline and applicant might be banned from the mail lottery of TOYSOUL in the future.
* Shipping maybe suspended due to the epidemic in the globe.

< Notes on participation>
– This is a one-time application for every applicant.
– Any kind of fraudulent acts would be disqualified.
– Since the winner will be announced by email, a valid email address is required to contact.
– An incomplete application form will result in disqualification of the application.
– Order cancellation is not recommended for applicants. An applicant may be banned from the mail lottery of TOYSOUL in the future if order cancellation has been made.
– TOYSOUL reserves the right of the final decision.

TOYSOUL will be held on 13 December, 2020, at KITEC.

For any update information of the event, it will be announced through the official social platforms.

Date: 13 December, 2020
Time: 11:00-19:00
Venue: Rotunda 3 , 6/F, KITEC, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong

If you are interested in participating or visiting ToySoul 2020, you can email to:

nearD will be powering ToySoul with Connect local communities Bring everyone together nearD breaks down barriers, connects like-minded people. Explore the hottest topics and trends among local communities. Communicate anonymously and expand the social circle.

大會指定社交聊天APP nearD 亦都會有大會消息一同公佈!大家記得留意喇!
APP Link:
Facebook 專頁:

Check out Chino’s new account at

While we have your attention why not check out our A day with Chino Lam of 豆もやし社長 – mame moyashi

Follow Chino on his artist page HERE.

Find Mame Moyashi on Facebook.

If you want to get your Designer Toy news first, you should look to download our new TTC Mobile App. Designer Toy news direct to your smartphone. No dealing with social media algorithms.

It’s FREE.


The stop motion video is made by The One 唯一創造, a professional digital media company based in Taiwan.

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TTC Legend

Written by Andy

A Yellow guy with bad English who's a chef by trade but addicted to toys and art. Instagram nutter rambling food addict who likes to take photos of everything I eat (most Asians do right?) Please don't class me as a journalist or blogger, more on the lines of talent scout and always backs the little guy.

Instagram ( BigToyPoo)
I am that one dickhead too.

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