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Kimono Hana by Kori & Ed

Releasing your inner peace with Kori & Ed’s “Kimono Hana”. Making its debut today sees Taiwan based Kori & Ed pay homage to the Japanese way of life. Dressed in a lovely Kimono, Kori & Ed has added delightful makeup and a lovely pose. Quick heads up with only 20 mins left to enter the lotto to win a chance to own Kimono Hana.

WHEN: NOW until 11.55 pm Taiwan time

WHERE: Email with the following information to enter the lotto

Material: Resin Height: Approximately 30 cm Weight: Approximately 7 kg




Social Media:

Price: New Taiwan Dollar: 36000 RMB RMB: 9000 RMB Paypal: 38160 RMB

Kori & Ed via Facebook and Instagram.

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Did we fail to mention IT’s FREE.


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TTC Legend

Written by Andy

A Yellow guy with bad English who's a chef by trade but addicted to toys and art. Instagram nutter rambling food addict who likes to take photos of everything I eat (most Asians do right?) Please don't class me as a journalist or blogger, more on the lines of talent scout and always backs the little guy.

Instagram ( BigToyPoo)
I am that one dickhead too.

KEYO by Creon Chkn


Shoeuzi IRL coming to UNIT 5 in Shoreditch!