
6 28 Six TwentyEight Custom show at FEWMANY

Artist 6 28 made us sing “🎵 who let the dogs out🎵 ” once again! A little Thai flair is heading to Japan at FEWMANY gallery! As well as his own special releases a wide range of 20+ artists from around the world will be taking on 6 28’s new Half Corgi dog and Dragon mashup CORGIDORA’s as well as 6 28’s classic MITT Bulldog next. Already teasers and Work in progress shots (which you can check below) have started to arrive in Japan and preparations are heavily underway.

Featuring artists include:- 6 28,..X.., 48H. Creature, Aliens Park, Angel Abby, ;(rybaby, Dan Kaiju, Fufufanny, Hikari Bambi, Hinatique, Javier Jiménez, Jon-Paul Kaiser, Jwon, Konatsuya, Kurobokan, Little Good Thing, Mai Nagamoto, Momoco Studio, Ngaew Ngaew, P.P.Pudding, Rampage Toys, Rato Kim, Recycle C, Remjie, Shoko Nakazawa, Shonside, Sunguts, T9G, Toyboom, Uamou, Yoyo Yeung just to name a few.

MITT by Jon-Paul Kaiser aka JPK 6 28
MiTT custom by Momoco Studio 毛毛二
Ngeaw & MiTT custom by Ngaew ngaew
Torazame & Corgidora custom by 48.H Creature

Ngeaw MiTT custom by Ngaew ngaew

Wooden Corgidora with UnderNeko Mask custom by Little Good Thing
MiTT & Corgidora custom by Remjie Malham

6 28 Six TwentyEight Custom show

WHEN: June 15 – June 20th



〒160-0022 新宿区, 東京都新宿3丁目1-26

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TTC Legend

Written by Andy

A Yellow guy with bad English who's a chef by trade but addicted to toys and art. Instagram nutter rambling food addict who likes to take photos of everything I eat (most Asians do right?) Please don't class me as a journalist or blogger, more on the lines of talent scout and always backs the little guy.

Instagram ( BigToyPoo)
I am that one dickhead too.

Ahwroo Art Sculpture By Gary Baseman x APPortfolio