The Reckoning is here! Hide your wife. Hide your kids. Your fate has been sealed. The Reckoning custom by The 3D Hero is all set to carry our his act of punishment and remove you from this mortal coil. Even on a Sunday when he should have his feet up on the couch watching some trashy comedy with a cold beer in hand. The Reckoning doesn’t stop for Sunday. The Reckoning is 24/7.
The Reckoning was created as part of a collective of artists going by the name of Toy Gladiatorz, which you can find on Instagram HERE. Each artist took the Quiccs’ Nano TEQ63 and created a custom. The 3D Hero took the head and moulded it with the body of a centaur. Pretty badass.
The Reckoning has already sold, but if you’re interested in getting a commission from The 3D Hero, you can check him out on Instagram HERE.