
Little Koi by Haus of Boz

Loz over at Haus of Boz will be releasing her latest cute custom in to the wild this week – Little Koi!

[frame align=”center”]Little Koi by Haus of Boz[/frame]

Little Koi is a shy beast, usually hiding in the shadows of the mountain pools, keeping a low profile.

He hides under lily pads, waiting for you to drop something delicious in the water, and if you do, maybe you’ll see him rush out to grab it before all the greedy fat fish come to gobble it down.

He does like hot dogs, so if you are passing his pond, and you don’t want that last bite, he’d be glad I put a word in for him.

Little Koi will be released in to the wild at 8pm BST on Thursday 24th July, over on the Haus of Boz store here.

Little Koi is a 3″ custom chase Kozik Kidrobot Dunny from the Evolved series. He has sculpted parts and is handpainted in the Haus Of Boz studio, and finished with a coat of UV resistant varnish and gloss.

He is intended for display only, so please don’t eat him, or treat him mean. He has feelings too, y’know!

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