This little guy needs no introduction, say hello to Donatello! He is a one off custom based on the 4 inch Zukie platform toy. Check out the full ‘Lip Out’ sulking action pose and hand made bow staff. The proceeds from the sale of Don will be used for a new secret collabo project in the pipeline for 2015 (stay tuned for more details it’s going to rock).
Pretty cool that UMEToys has used the Zukie platform as you don’t see many artist use the platform. Digging that thick bottom Lip, reminds me of my own bottom lip! I would of liked to see the lip a little lower but that is my own personal view but hay its still a rad take on TMNT and cool custom. It seems like UMEToys is on a custom toy roll at the moment and making a statement that he can use any platform to make a toy, although I know he prefers making his own designs. No toy platform can escape from UME’s hands.
Will we see the rest of the UME style TMNT crew in the future?
If you’d like to add him to your collection head on over to
Head over to UMEToys social sites to stay in contact with him.