It feels like it has already built up quite the following in a short space of time, but the diver figure by Sank Toys has got that iconic feel about it, and we are here for all that love! This is one of the reasons why love seeing artists get their chance to do their thing with the vinyl figure. This week it is the talented Jelly Koe, who have teamed up with Strange Cat Toys for a release of THREE custom vinyl Sank figures!

Strange Cat Toys are running an Instagram ONLY lottery to get involved in this Jelly Koe 8inch custom release. Which we have included below….
Rules to enter this Jelly Koe Sank Custom Lottery
•1 – Follow @strangecattoys @sanktoys @jellykoe
•2 – Repost with #strangecatsanklottery
•3 – Tag @strangecattoys @sanktoys @jellykoe in your photo
•4 – Account must be public
• Only 3 winners – Winners will be 1st/2nd/3rd place and will pick their desired colour in that order
Each piece is priced at $350 + shipping, which each winner will be expected to pay once the draw is completed. The lottery ends at 11.59pm EST tonight (4.59am BST). So get involved now on IG to stand a chance to own one of these three customs by Jelly Koe!
Jelly Koe Social Media
Strange Cat Toys Social Media
If you want to support The Toy Chronicle, we have a number of options available to you. We have started to stock a wide range of releases that we think you will enjoy. Ranging from production pieces from Superplastic, Unbox Industries & POP MART, to original pieces from our favourite artists like Sank Toys, Quiccs & Czee13. Purchasing one of our pins also really help. A quick, cheap way to also support the TTC is by making a small donation. These can all be completed below through our online shop. We appreciate all the support! Thanks!
So good!