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Tobey Solo Exhibition – Breaking the Rules

Over a month ago we had the pleasure of meeting Tobey again in South Korea! The Korea based artist Tobey took our breath away once again at his studio where we saw a couple of pieces in person for his solo exhibition – Breaking the Rules. Let us tell you that no video or photos can speak volumes of how impressive Tobey’s art is. With the exhibition already started last weekend, if you are in the region we suggest you to visit while the exhibition is open. We don’t know if it breaks all the rules but one thing we do know it will 100% break our bank account, HA.

Below is a little taster of Breaking the Rules Tobey solo exhibition. Hopefully, we can have Tobey over this side of the world.

This exhibition is Tobay’s third solo exhibition highlighting the way he wants to show the worries, reflections, and inner changes contained in his life as an artist and an individual in another way. In addition to resin, which is mainly used in the art toy genre, which is light, easy to color, and has a relatively simple production process, he has presented a new attempt using bronze, a classic material that requires detailed carving crafting work making the pieces more durable.

The artist identifies the deep and profound message that connects the past, present, and future with the characteristics of bronze and wants to broaden the scope of communication with the audience through a different form of formative language than before.

Unbreakable Line



Design by Tobey

‘REST’ is a piece that captures the serenity of rest found amidst the busyness of daily life and the comfort brought by a special presence, illustrating how embracing inner emotions leads to flexibility and stability, while becoming a calm river for one another unveils new possibilities and the process of rediscovering oneself.

Twisted Perception

Tobey Solo Exhibition – Breaking the Rules

WHEN: NOW until January 19th 2025

WHERE: Particle Fujifilm B1, 838, Seolleung-ro

Reservation: – Operating hours: 11:30 ~ 19:30 (Regularly closed every Monday)

– 전시기간 : 2024. 11. 30 ~ 2025. 1. 19
*쾌적한 관람을 위해 예약제로 운영합니다.

-예약 : (프로필링크)
- 운영시간 : 11:30 ~ 19:30 (매주 월요일 정기 휴무) 
- 작가 : 토베이 TOBEY
- 주최 : 후지필름일렉트로닉이미징코리아(주)
- 관람료 : 무료
- 관람문의 : 02-517-4750

Breaking the rules
이번 전시는 토베이의 3번째 개인전으로 그는 작가로서의 삶 그리고 한 개인으로서의 인생이 담긴 고민과 성찰, 내면의 변화를 또 다른 방식을 통해 보여주고자 한다. 아트 토이의 장르에서 주로 사용되는 가볍고, 채색이 용이하며 제작공정이 비교적 단순한 레진 외에 세밀한 조각과 반복적인 세공작업을 요하는 보다 내구성이 강한 고전적인 재료인 브론즈(bronze)를 통해 새로운 시도를 선보였다. 작가는 과거와 현재 그리고 미래를 이어가는 깊고 진한 메시지를 청동이 갖는 특성과 동일시하며 기존과는 또 다른 방식의 조형언어를 통해 관객과의 소통의 폭을 넓히고자 한다.

Find Tobey via Instagram.

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TTC Legend

Written by Andy

A Yellow guy with bad English who's a chef by trade but addicted to toys and art. Instagram nutter rambling food addict who likes to take photos of everything I eat (most Asians do right?) Please don't class me as a journalist or blogger, more on the lines of talent scout and always backs the little guy.

Instagram ( BigToyPoo)
I am that one dickhead too.

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