A new manuscript has been found! This weekend history and heritage will be changed forever as Hong Kong based Tik Ka From East and ZCWO united once again to present to you the next chapter of the Trend Series. The series continues from last years successful launch of the 關 Guan Plaster Edition 潮流 Trend Series by Tik Ka from East x ZCWO which saw tradition mixed with Tik Ka signature style! Judging from the photos, ZCWO has done a great job of interpreting Tik Ka’s signature style into a viny once again. Will all the hypebeast burn incense to the mighty 潮流 – Fei 飛 Chiu Lau – Fei?! Give courage to all that kneels before the mighty Fei! Who knows, all we know is Fei has a better fashion sense then ourselves!
Tik Ka From East X ZCWO 《潮流 – Fei 飛 Chiu Lau – Fei》
Renowned Hong Kong artist Tik Ka From East gets inspiration from Chinese novel Three Kingdoms to create the “Chiu Lau” series. The Series shares a message that “heroes may vanish, but their spirits remain”. From 2020, Tik Ka From East collaborates with famous arts toys company ZCWO to present the Series in the form of vinyl. The first work “Chiu Lau – Guan”, which represents “loyalty” in the Series, received acclaimed responses.
In 2021, “ Chiu Lau – Fei”, the second work of the Series which represents “courage” will be on stage. Fei resembles Cheung Fei in Three Kingdoms. The 55cm-tall figure presents Fei with masculine and boldy imagery wearing a thick down, sports shoes and hoodie with a tiger icon. Holding the spin weapon as well as the wine bottle, Fei is a combination of the past and the present.

A limited-edition coated in plaster will be ready to order at ZCWO Online Store www.zcwostore.com from 15 March 2021 22:00(HKT).
香港知名藝術家 Tik Ka From East 以《三國演義》中人物為作靈感,創作了《潮流》系列作品,帶出所有英雄豪傑都會隨時代洪流而逝,唯一精神永存的訊息。Tik Ka From East與知名潮流玩具團隊ZCWO合作,將作品以Vinyl Art 雕塑呈現,2020年推出《潮流》系列中 代表「義」的《潮流 – Guan 關》 雕像,好評如潮。
踏入2021年,《潮流》第二款代表「勇」《潮流 – Fei 飛》雕塑正式登場,將三國人物中張飛呈現「張飛(167年-221年),字益德,三國時期蜀漢名將,與關羽並稱『萬人敵』」。身高55厘米的雕像呈現張飛粗獷剛烈的形象,身穿羽絨、波鞋,衛衣上老虎浮雕,手執丈八蛇矛及酒樽,古與今的融合。首款以石膏材質限量塗裝,於香港時間 3月 15日22:00 在ZCWO https://www.zcwostore.com/shop 接受公開限量訂購。
Tik Ka From East X ZCWO《潮流 – Fei 飛》
Size: 55cm
Material: Vinyl
Price: HK$2800 (5月出貨)
WHERE: https://www.zcwostore.com/shop-3

While we have your attention have you seen Tikka art? your chance to own prints and limited edition vinyl pieces via his STORE! below is a little teaser.

【TikKa from East】Growing up in the Hong Kong colonial era, Tik Ka absorbed European, American & Japanese cultures including comic books, movies, music and food culture, whilst, at the same time, having a traditional Chinese background. With such a culture mixed background, Tik Ka has created his Pop-Art Creation called “Tik Ka From East” – all works and series are painted in the style of ancient Chinese art with a special culture blend. One of his inspired series – “Super Hero meet Chinese Opera”- was highly acclaimed by international media and personal including Stan Lee (Marvel Chairman & Director) and Robert Downey Jr.
【Chizi by Tik Ka】 – Tik Ka’s early work infused the Japanese “Kawaii” style into traditional Chinese new year paintings – creating the “So Ha” (infant) series. The subject and tone illustrate a colourful, artless utopia as a way to explore humanity through the eyes of a child. Continuing to explore his boundaries, Tik Ka incorporated Chinese and Western influences and aesthetics, developing the series “ChiZi”. The dreamy, soft colours used in “ChiZi” – its subtle, muted tones contrast with the vibrant and luxuriant “So Ha” series. It is Tik Ka’s hope to share with the world “ChiZi’s” innocence, and undamaged essence of humanity.
Find Tikka via STORE https://www.tikkagallery.com/ Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Tik Ka Chizi via Instagram and Facebook.
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