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“THE 3” Exhibition by 김몽니 MINJI Kimmongni & Robin Tang at Paradise

How does Phil Collins – Another Day In Paradise tune go again?

“Oh, think twice, ’cause it’s another day for you and me in paradise

Oh, think twice, ’cause it’s another day for you

You and me in paradise

Paradise it will be at “THE 3” Exhibition by Kimmongni & Robin Tang at Paradise over the weekend! After Robin Tang showed all his card last week at the exhibition its time for a little Korea fluffiness with a range of MYSTERY_E’s all the way to the one of a kind monsters! Robin Tang passes on the baton to Korea based artist 김몽니 MINJI Kimmongni as the monsters are heading to Taiwan for this weekends show.

There is a Korean proverb that says, ” The eyes are the windows of the mind. ” So I wanted to exclude snow from my work.

Each person who has seen my work has a different interpretation. People see what they want to see – 김몽니 MINJI kimmongni

THE 3″
Exhibition by Kimmongni & Robin Tang
Hour:2020 /8/21 19:00 – 22:00 8/8-28 13:30 -22:00
Place:Paradise Toyland 台北市敦化南路161巷75號
Contact : 02-27766224

大家晚安,我是羅賓,「THE 3」展覽即將迎來第二階段,本週五由我的好姊妹、好夥伴,來自韓國的超人氣女藝術家 — MinJi (金敏智)接棒,帶來為期八天的精彩個展。

「THE 3」的展覽概念,其實就是圍繞在「3」這個數字上,像是我跟MinJi剛好認識3年、3方合作(MinJi、Paradise 、我)、3個眼睛和本來計畫的3階段展覽,除了這些梗之外,我們還偷偷藏了一個彩蛋,那就是 — 3個顏色!




Heres a few more MYSTERY_E Bears’s from Kimmongni.

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Find Robin via Instagram and Facebook.  Momoco on Facebook. Shon Side via his WebsiteBlog ,Facebook ,Instagram and Twitter.

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Written by Andy

A Yellow guy with bad English who's a chef by trade but addicted to toys and art. Instagram nutter rambling food addict who likes to take photos of everything I eat (most Asians do right?) Please don't class me as a journalist or blogger, more on the lines of talent scout and always backs the little guy.

Instagram ( BigToyPoo)
I am that one dickhead too.

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