
Synthetic Human 1/12 Test Body By 1000toys x TOA Heavy Industries

You’ve heard the rumours, seen sneak peeks but TODAY 1000toys x TOA Heavy Industries have officially announced the Synthetic Human 1/12 Test Body edition. Could this be the last chance to get a hold of the Synthetic Human Test Body edition of the figure? To be honest its not a straight replica of the 2014 edition. Look closer as you will see plenty of changes compared to the 2014 1/6th scale version.

Four short years ago, 1000toys burst onto the independent toy scene with the release of the revolutionary ⅙ scale TOA Heavy Industries Synthetic Human. That same year we released the Synthetic Human TEST BODY edition at San Diego Comic-Con and other events around the world. This highly detailed and decorated version of the Synthetic Human has gone on to become one of the most highly sought after versions of the figure. Now four years later, we are excited to announce the release of a new version of TOA Heavy Industries Synthetic Human Test Body – this time in 1/12 scale – 1000toys

The 1/12 scale Synthetic Human Test Body will available exclusively at Summer Toy Festivals around the world in limited quantities. <see list of events at the bottom of the post>

While only half the size of the original, there has been no concession in either articulation or level of detail. Our 1/12 scale synthetic human was re-designed from the bottom up refining and re-defining the groundbreaking possibility of the ⅙ scale version.

////// The prototype build of the male type Synthetic Human was developed by TOA Heavy Industries for special operations. The Synthetic Human will be stationed to the TOA Heavy Industries headquarters as a multi-role agent. Being able to adapt to various environments, the Synthetic Human has a very high level of combat ability. But due to being a prototype, his outer aspects are incomplete, with the facial mask being a mere shell which mimics the human face. The early stage prototype of the Synthetic Human has a self-learning A.I. installed. ////////

<Product Info>
– Product Name : 1/12 Synthetic Human Test Body
– Price : $80 USD
– Height : Approx. 150mm (1/12 Scale, 6 in.)
– Package Dimensions : W 140mm / D 50mm / H 200mm
– Package Weight : 100g
– Material : ABS, ATBC-PVC, PA, POM
– Included : Hand Parts (Fists, Grip Hands), Interchangeable Mask

<Creator Info>
– Character Design : Tsutomu Nihei
– Modeling : Yuuki Nakamura (Sentinel)
– Finisher : Yoji Hayakawa (Sentinel)

This item will be an Event Exclusive at the following Summer events:

CCG Expo 2018 (Shanghai, China) (July 5-9, 2018)
<on-site pre-order only>

SDCC 2018 (San Diego, USA) (July 18 – 22, 2018)

ACGHK 2018 (Hong Kong) (July 27 – 30, 2018)

WonderFestival Summer 2018 (Tokyo, Japan) (July 29, 2018)

 Please note this will be the Summer Event Exclusive, but what we do know is there might be a chance to own one after these events. Stay tuned for more specific details regarding availability at each event.

Need Synthetic Human fix you can check out our reviews of the line HERE.


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