
LoveLove CuteCute

Soft Q by Crazy Eyes x Partner Toys

O M G we are squealing in excitement as Taiwan’s Crazy Eyes x 夥伴玩具 Partner Toys are back with some super cute goodness! Do you recall, Jelly Whale Shark by Crazy Eyes x 夥伴玩具 Partner Toys well guess what! More of Crazy Eyes world of characters has been transformed into more cute collectables! Can this be the evolution of a Manta Ray? who knows all we know is adorable. 8 more days until Creative Expo Taiwan opens its doors! and Soft Q to be released into the wild for the first time!  

“exploring around Mercury before it evolved. One day, after a volcano, the body changes…​Gradually, the body grows softer Q and grows rabbit-like ears, and has the ability to travel in the air, and now the most favourite thing is to open his big arms in the sky of Mercury and look at the whole world ~(I don’t know why there are always soft Q creatures around. Soft Q is an alien creature similar to jellyfish and octopus, they are like fried shrimp, and they appear in all corners of the universe.”

WHEN: Starting 21st until 25th April 2021

WHERE: SUPERMICROS Creative Expo Taiwan * please check Partner Toys Facebook for exact details on the day of buying details.

(international fans please stay tuned for further developments)

櫻花慶典第五彈- 瘋狂眼珠 魟之助軟膠玩具





( 不知道為什麼身邊總有軟Q生物圍繞。 )​


魟之助軟膠玩具 商品資訊說明

商品名稱:瘋狂眼珠 魟之助軟膠玩具​


商品尺寸:魟之助 長14cm x 寬12.5cm x 高11.5cm​

     軟Q 長5cm x 寬5cm x 高4cm​

商品數量:全球限量150隻( 線上配額90隻文博配額60隻 )​


魟之助軟膠玩具 線上抽選說明

線上抽選表單將於 2021/04/14上午9點公布​

填表日期 2021/04/14上午9點 至 04/14晚上9點​

抽選日期 2021/04/15​

抽出資格者 90名 與 備取9名​

魟之助軟膠玩具 展場限量說明



2021臺灣文博會 ✸ SUPERMICROS 數據廟-匯聚相信的力量​

展覽地點&攤位|花博公園爭艷館 D1-023​


░ 04.21 – 22 ░10:00 – 18:00​

░ 04.23 – 24 ░10:00 – 20:00​

░ 04.25 ​ ​ ​   ░10:00 -17:00​

✸ ​ 04.21僅開放專業人士入場​


Crazy eyes瘋狂眼珠 Fan Page:
Crazy eyes瘋狂眼珠 Instagram:

 夥伴玩具 Partner Toys via Facebook.

You can get your daily Designer Toy fix from our TTC Mobile App. It’s free too! FREE! Download on the iPhone or Android smartphones. Search for “The Toy Chronicle” and all your Designer Toy wishes will come true! Pretty much.

Did we fail to mention IT’s FREE.


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TTC Legend

Written by Andy

A Yellow guy with bad English who's a chef by trade but addicted to toys and art. Instagram nutter rambling food addict who likes to take photos of everything I eat (most Asians do right?) Please don't class me as a journalist or blogger, more on the lines of talent scout and always backs the little guy.

Instagram ( BigToyPoo)
I am that one dickhead too.

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