It was only last week when “SNOWMO” teased 雪怪 Colin but now SNOWMO has finally announced the release which includes our favourites Berg and Hardy too! Like we said previously, Summer may be creeping closer but that hasn’t stopped “SNOWMO”Berg & Gale, Hardy and Colin from roaming the lands to find a new home with his fellow friends. You may remember his homie 雪怪公仔 Berg whos, not your average bear, that’s why 雪怪公仔 Berg caught our eye and didn’t realise it was being made via a crowdfunding platform zeczec last year and now Colin is ready for you to have in your collection. Don’t worry about his fangs. Snowmo assures us he’s a vegan.
Thanks for all fans continued support,
we launch two toy sets to celebrate SNOWMO’s first anniversary!- SNOWMO
雪怪 – Berg
Berg was named by his parents, who wanted a child that can grow up as strong and big as an iceberg. Unfortunately, because of the melting of glaciers, Berg and his clan continues to migrate. While being forced out of his own element, Berg’s expression, who once looked kindhearted was molded into a cynic.

雪怪 – Gale
Listen, the sound comes from snow island which is healing the lonely heart.
Gale creates a wonderful melody by plays his guitar which is catch everyone’s attention. Melody in the air cheers everyone up.

“Justice may be late, but never absent.” Hardy, who loves to read superhero comics, always keeps this quote in mind. From then on, Hardy throws on the scarf that represents the symbol of justice and begins his journey to crack down on crime.

Colin is smallest snow monster with lovely appearance but naughty and he is fun to be around. Colin enjoys exploring adventure with partners. Everyone would protect Colin when danger comes.

(Only 12 limited set on May 20)”
A Set: “Snowmo Berg & Gale”
Follow Berg in a daze on the snow, while listening to the wonderful music of Gale and enjoying a relaxing afternoon.

B Set: “Snowmo Hardy and Colin”
the Mysterious Snow Island expedition team ready to go!
Let flexible Hardy and curious Colin take you to play the Mysterious Snow Island!

Only 12 sets for pre-orders as above!
Pre-order method:
Each set is limited one to per person!
Snowmo height: about 8cm
Snowmo Material: Resin
WHEN: Pre-order May 20th (Wednesday) from 21:00 (Tawain Time)
WHERE: At the time date set Message Snowmo via or Instagram.
Price per set: USD 74
Freight: Foreign freight collect
Estimated shipment date: early July (if there are any factors affecting the shipment, Snowmo will notify you separately)

預告-『SNOWMO 雪怪公仔 5/20首波12組預購』
A set.”雪怪悠閒Berg & Gale”
B set.”雪怪探險Hardy & Colin”
以上各開放 12 組預購
預購時間:2020 / 5 / 20 (三) 21:00 起 (GMT+8)
每組售價:NT 2,200
運費:7-11店到店 + 60元
預計出貨日:7月初 (若有任何因素影響出貨,將會另行通知,謝謝大家的耐心等候)
WHERE: At the time date set Message Snowmo via or Instagram.
Find SNOWMO via Facebook and Instagram.

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Did we fail to mention IT’s FREE.