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Rato Kim’s Bread Series: Bear Bread

Can you smell the freshly baked goods? We can’t but what we see will make up for it as the second to be released from Rato Kim’s Bread series is “Bear Bread”. How adorable is Bear Bread?! One bread not to be sliced, Ha. Love the toasted look and his slightly mischevious eyes. Rato is all set to release Bear Bread this week!

Material is resin.

The order period is from February 28th to March 3rd, 2020

Please send Rato your email (Send your PayPal account, home address, zip code, phone number, and toy you want.) from February 28th to March 3rd, 2020

Price: 75 USD.

The shipping fee is 20 USD in Asia. The rest is 25 to 30 USD.

This is pre-order, and the delivery is scheduled for March 31

I will stay home for a while because of the coronavirus. I judged this week to be very dangerous. All of our members are safe in their own homes. I’m trying to keep myself in good condition. I want to make new toys, and I have to make money to move house. This situation is very stressful. I hope the vaccine will be completed soon. I hope to meet you all with a smiling face without a mask.
All the cheese mouse are out of stock. Thank you very much. But I’m going to keep taking orders. And the cute bear bread will be released soon^^.
Thank you for your support – Rato Kim

After Bread cat and now Bread Bears, rabbits, and unicorns, are on Rato Kim’s list! ooops did we leak out the info too quick? stay tuned for more Bread series.

Need a review of the soft vinyl edition Breadcat? Check our Facebook LIVE stream below.

Why not take a read of our interview and a little behind the scenes with the artist behind Breadcat  HERE in our TTC Talks to Rato Kim.


Check out Rato Kim on Facebook & Instagram

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TTC Legend

Written by Andy

A Yellow guy with bad English who's a chef by trade but addicted to toys and art. Instagram nutter rambling food addict who likes to take photos of everything I eat (most Asians do right?) Please don't class me as a journalist or blogger, more on the lines of talent scout and always backs the little guy.

Instagram ( BigToyPoo)
I am that one dickhead too.

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