MAGURO ?????? – by Mame Moyashi was a prime example of capturing ones attention and shaking the art toy world. MAGURO has leveled up the evolution stage and taken the roll of PIKACHU! Hahahaha sorry but had to laugh Mame Moyashi must of been playing Pokemon Go or even caught the Pokemon Go fever. Guess you guys can stop trying to see what the next evolution of Pikachu is now that MAGURO evolved into the the final stages. Collectors can catch Pika MAGURO exclusive at Taipei Toy Festival in October. Who would of guessed Pika coloured Maguro!
More photos to come, Pikachu sashimi anyone?
Not heading to TTE? try asking one of Tawain Mame Moyashi dealers.
Did you miss?????? – Mame Moyashi first release? check it HERE.
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