
Chino Lam x New Era Maguro

First of all a huge congratulations to Hong Kong’s multi-award-winning artist, Chino Lam landing an official collaboration with the American headwear company New Era! Right on time, it’s been 5 years since Chino made his mark on the scene with his 豆もやし社長 – mame moyashi Maguro Senpai. Celebrations call for something fitting for the occasion and New Era has done just that! A special edition Maguro Senpai with a New Era fitted cap, if you know Chino he practically eats sleeps and works with a cap in style, so a perfect collaboration! Now it’s your time to join in the celebration with this package. To top it off how about a Chino Lam x New Era chopsticks!

NEW ERA 9FIFTY snapback baseball cap decorated with gold embroidery and an elegant red satin cloth with a gold pattern on the inside; and a figure of MAGURO. The figure has the added mini black 9FIFTY, Black knife, both accessories are removable.

NEW ERA與香港著名藝術家Chino Lam(林輝)首次攜手推出「皇鰭鮪魚便當」套裝

聯名限量套裝系列以日式便當作整個設計概念,藉此慶祝其經典原創角色 MAGURO 面世 5 週年,極具收藏價值。其中包括一款外觀以金色刺繡點綴,內裡選用典雅的紅色緞布配上金色圖案的黑色 NEW ERA 9FIFTY棒球帽;以及MAGURO 「鮪魚前輩」figure,figure特意添加了迷你黑色 9FIFTY帽和充滿玩味的黑色刀,兩款配件皆可隨意裝拆。

聯名限量套裝將於9月17日11:00AM在New Era K11 Musea店獨家限量發售!請先於B1 J2 MTR exit (B1 Entrance)排隊等候。購買套裝更有機會獲得刻有雙方品牌的木筷子一對,極具收藏價值!(先到先得,送完即止。)


因是次 NEW ERA X MAGURO BY CHINO LAM 聯名套裝限量發售, 為保障愛好者的利益,先參閲以下細則:

1.每人只限購買 1盒聯名套裝。



4.請遵守工作人員指示在B1 J2 MTR exit (B1 Entrance)排隊等候,嚴禁一切插隊、打尖及破壞秩序人士參加活動。


6.此聯名套裝不可享有 VIP 折扣及其他優惠。


8.如有任何爭議,New Era將保留最終決定權。

No news on international release, please stay tuned for further updates.

Check out Chino’s new account at

While we have your attention why not check out our A day with Chino Lam of 豆もやし社長 – mame moyashi

Follow Chino on his artist page HERE.

Find Mame Moyashi on Facebook.

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Written by Andy

A Yellow guy with bad English who's a chef by trade but addicted to toys and art. Instagram nutter rambling food addict who likes to take photos of everything I eat (most Asians do right?) Please don't class me as a journalist or blogger, more on the lines of talent scout and always backs the little guy.

Instagram ( BigToyPoo)
I am that one dickhead too.

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