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Peter Garou by Naomi Knaff

Naomi Knaff returns with a new resin Kaiju colourful creation. This time she takes on the european tale of the infamous Werewolf of Bedburg better known as Peter Stumpp. A man accused of being a serial killer and a cannibal whose trial was one of the most lurid and famous werewolf trials of history. Now he’s back as Naomi’s Peter Garou;

Peter Garou Naomi Knaff 2

Peter Garou is made out of resin and stands at a little over 7″ high and comes in 3 colors.

Peter Garou Naomi Knaff 3

It’s not often that you see Kaiju figures based on european tales. We have to say it’s refreshing and hopefully inspiring. Naomi did a great job creating the werewolf’s in her iconic colorful style. Extra points for the skull base.

Peter Garou is coming, of course, on the full moon, June 20th at 12am.

Keep on checking Naomi Knaff on, Instagram and Twitter for updates and more goodness!

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