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NOT A TOY GROUP SHOW by Plastic Culture x Brotherhood of Toys

Our Friends in Indonesia are setting up a show right now titled “NOT A TOY GROUP SHOW ” It’s not a show about a toy. It’s not a show for kids. It’s a show for US! It’s a show where you’ll see artworks from 4 different artists from Indonesia, DavidTheKiller, Paulus Hyu, ictoys and Kendy Tan. This is where each of the artist will show their creations, their masterpiece. This is where they will share their imaginations and inspirations behind the works.

The show will have an insight in to the toy/art world and engaging with the artist/ collectors, meet the people behind the scenes in Indonesia toy/art community. Expect a few surprises March 14th – 15th, strongly hinted some exclusive works up for grabs too.

Here are a few things to expect to see at the show.

Boron By Kendy Tan

“Underneath the mask and the suit; before the rage surfaces and the anger thickens, there is Boron, a cosmic wrestler who dreams to be the best in the universe”

Boron By Kendy Tan

Boron By Kendy Tan poster

Dave By Davidthekiller

Dave By Davidthekiller

Davidthekiller yoga Black Davidthekiller fuck yoga

Nimbus By Paulus Hyu


GACHA By Ictoys

GACHA! He loves tea and coffee, often cause mischief but it’s not his intention to do so. In fact, he’s super friendly and willing just to sit there and listen to you … as long as you pay for drinks.

Gacha Ictoys 2 Gacha Ictoys

Limited to 20 pieces worldwide. Prices at $50 or Rp. 650.000

If you are a lucky to be around Jakarta head over to our dear friends Plastic Culture.

March 14th – 15th, 2015
Plastic Culture, East Mall LG42
Grand Indonesia Shopping Town
Jakarta, Indonesia

For more information you can contact Plastic Culture via FB HERE 

Not a Toy Group show

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TTC Legend

Written by Andy

A Yellow guy with bad English who's a chef by trade but addicted to toys and art. Instagram nutter rambling food addict who likes to take photos of everything I eat (most Asians do right?) Please don't class me as a journalist or blogger, more on the lines of talent scout and always backs the little guy.

Instagram ( BigToyPoo)
I am that one dickhead too.

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