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MY Toy Hoard & Greydea Studio present: My Toys 2.0 EXPOSURE Exhibition

Malaysia based Facebook group MY Toy Hoard community is growing by the day, to mark their 3rd anniversary! Linking up with Greydea Studio to showcase local Malaysia based artists works! Ranging from customs to exclusive drops all the way to one of a kind pieces are to be expected at MY Toy Hoard & Greydea Studio: My Toys 2.0 EXPOSURE Exhibition. Only one sleep away until the big unveiling. Over 23 artist joining in the celebration! Below is a sneak peek at what you can expect from the exhibition.

Artists or designers who are participating: 1) Adam Jay (BlankMalaysia) 2) Ah Guan (Messy Desk Studio) 3) Ah-b BlowWater (Little Good Thing) 4) Ajim Juxta 5) Arifin Amin (Double A) 6) Chun Woei (UrbanCr3atures) 7) Cz Blank 8) 张耀中 Darrel Cheong (Ninjamuffeen) 9) Edward Low (Drawdelow) 10) Hadzry Sahari 11) Jefferson Ng (JNJF Design) 12) John Edwards (Vomit Thunder) 13) Juju Wee (Z’PinkTuna) 14) Ren Chang Lee (Oodplex) 15) Lim Su Jing (Mehmehjin)16) Cham LengLiang (Uncle Liang – The Recycle Modeller) 17) Michael Chuah (Yuureinekosama) 18) Mohamad Ikmal (IG: theimwork) 19) Palee Abu 20) Tako Evangelione (Evangelione’s Handmade) 21) T Jia Ying (TEK)22) Rey Sha Lei (Cosmyxs) 23) Stan Henson (Odd Critters Studio)

Artist: John Edwards (FB: Vomit Thunder IG: @vomitthunder)
Title: a) Vomit Thunder “Na Tuk Gong (拿督公)”
b) The Cat which Vomit Thunder
Size: a) 28cm (H) / b) 11cm (H)
Medium: a) Mixed Media / b) Vinyl
Price: a) RM600 (Approx. USD142)
b) RM350 ( Approx. USD85)
a) Based on the theme of ‘EXPOSURE’, the design is inspired by Na Tuk Gong (Earth Spirit) and Malaysia’s Taoist culture.
b) The story is about someone who just wanted to enjoy living life but the creative ego slowly haunting & interfering its daily life.
a) Berdasarkan tema ‘EXPOSURE’, reka bentuknya diilhamkan oleh Na Tuk Gong (Earth Spirit) dan budaya Taoist Malaysia.
b) Ceritanya adalah mengenai seseorang yang hanya ingin menikmati kehidupan tetapi ego kreatif menghantui & mengganggu kehidupan sehariannya.
a) 以“EXPOSURE”为主题,设计灵感来自拿督公(一种土地神)和马来西亚的道教文化。
b) 故事讲述的是一个人只是想享受生活,但是富有创造力的自我却在困扰着他的日常生活。
Artist: Lim Su Jing (FB: Lim Su Jing IG: @mehmehjin)
Title: To Light a Fire
Size: Diorama 12cm (H) / Figure 6cm (H)
Medium: Mixed Media
Price: RM380 per set (Approx. USD90)
Eng: “To Light a fire” is a piece that narrates about igniting the fiery passion that is in each and every one of us. In schools we were often taught to conform to certain standards (what is right and what is wrong, who will be the ones who will make it in society) as such we end up losing our own identity as an individual self. It is our own responsibility to keep this ‘Flame’ burning throughout our lives.
BM: “To Light a fire” adalah karya yang menceritakan tentang menyalakan semangat berapi yang ada dalam diri kita masing-masing. Semasa di sekolah, kita sering diajar untuk mematuhi piawaian tertentu (apa yang betul dan apa yang salah, siapa yang akan berjaya dalam masyarakat) dengan demikian kita akhirnya kehilangan identiti kita sendiri sebagai seorang individu. Untuk memastikan ‘Api’ ini membakar sepanjang hidup kita adalah tanggungjawab kita sendiri .
华文: “To Light a Fire” 是关于点燃我们每个人的炽烈激情的“火焰” 叙述。在学校里,我们经常被教导要遵守某些标准(什么是对,什么是错,什么样的人将会在社会上成功),因此我们最终失去自己作为个体自我的身份。不断燃烧这种 “火焰” 将是我们一生的责任。
Artist: Stan Henson (FB: Odd Critters Studio IG: @oddcrittersstudio)
Title: The Brotherhood (Yawl & Yon)
Size: Yawl 13cm (H) / Yon 15cm (H)
Medium: Resin
Price: RM450 per set (Approx. USD106)
Eng: The realm of the Oddvious; a place where odd critters such as Yawl originate from. He is a wandering yeti warrior who seeks justice for his devastated homeland. In the midst of the marauders’ attack on another yeti settlement Tripali, Yon tried to escape. Yawl and his band of warriors came to his aid when they saw smoke from afar. The marauders, though beaten up, we’re able to leave with their loot. Yawl promised Yon that he will be sent safely to his immediate family in another settlement which is 2 weeks’ away by foot.
BM: Dunia Oddvious ; tempat dari mana makhluk aneh seperti Yawl berasal. Dia adalah pejuang yeti yang mengembara mencari keadilan untuk tanah airnya yang hancur. Di tengah-tengah serangan pengganas ke penempatan Tripali yang lain, Yon cuba melarikan diri. Yawl dan kumpulan prajuritnya menolongnya ketika mereka melihat asap dari jauh. Walaupun tertewas, pengganas masih dapat melarikan diri dengan barang rampasan mereka. Yawl berjanji kepada Yon bahawa dia akan dihantar dengan selamat kepada keluarga terdekatnya di penempatan lain yang berjarak 2 minggu dengan berjalan kaki.
华文: Oddvious 奇幻的世界;是 Yawl 这样奇怪的生物的起源地。他是一个流浪的雪人战士,他为他的被摧残的家园寻求正义。在掠夺者袭击另一个雪人聚居地 Tripali 的过程中,Yon 试图逃脱。当 Yawl 和他其它战士们看到远处冒烟时,向Yon 伸出援手。虽然劫掠者被打败,但仍能随身和他们的劫掠品一起逃走。 Yawl 向 Yon承诺并将把他安全地送往他到直系亲属哪里但是必须步行2周才能到达目的地
Artist: T Jia Ying (FB: TEK IG: @tekxtoys)
Title: Untitiled
Size: 9cm (H)
Medium: Japanese Sofubi
Price: RM399 (Approx. USD95)
Eng: With this outfit, you might know who is it but without the outfit would you know it is a Bear Guy?
BM: Dengan pakaian ini, anda mungkin tahu siapa dia tetapi tanpa pakaian ini bolehkah anda tahu bahawa dia adalah Bear Guy?
华文: 有了这套衣服,您可能知道他是谁,但是如果没有了这套衣服,您会知道他是一个 Bear Guy 吗?
Artist: Ajim Juxta (FB: ajim_juxta IG: @ajim_juxta)
Title: Dystopian: Ayam Hitam
Size: 10cm (H)
Medium: Sculpey Clay
Price: RM350 (Approx. USD83)
Eng: Derived from some of his series of drawings. This is among the earliest attempt to sculpt a character out of the Dystopian Series: A glutton black chicken, a metaphor on our leaders.
BM: Berasal dari beberapa siri lukisan artist, Ini adalah antara percubaan paling awal untuk mengukir watak dari Dystopian Series: Seekor ayam hitam, kiasan pemimpin kita.
华文: 从艺术家的一些绘画作品中衍生而来的。这是最早从Dystopian 系列中塑造角色的尝试之一:一只黑鸡,这是对我们领导者的隐喻。
Artist: Rey Sha Lei (FB: Rey Sha Lei IG: @cosmyxs)
Title: a) Joru “Galactic Seabunnies”
b) Joru Special Edition
Size: 2.4cm (H)
Medium: Resin
Price: a) RM180 (Approx. USD45)
b) RM220 ( Approx. USD53)
This species doesn’t need water to stay alive. Rather they prefer living outer space, Uranus to be exact. Their favourite foods? Rocks, crystals and bananas.
BM: Spesies ini tidak memerlukan air untuk hidup. Sebaliknya mereka lebih suka tinggal di luar angkasa, Uranus lebih tepat. Makanan kegemaran mereka? Batu, kristal dan pisang.
华文: 它是一个不需要水也能生存的生物。相反,它们更喜欢居住在外太空的天王星。它们最喜欢的食物?岩石,水晶和香蕉。
Artist: Ren Chang Lee (FB: Oodplex IG: @oodplex)
Title: a) Melting Ben
b) Not Porcelain, Not Incense Holder, Not Candle
Size: a) 12cm (H) / b) 18cm (H)
Medium: a) Mixed Media / b) Mixed Media
Price: a) RM300 (Approx. USD72)
b) RM600 ( Approx. USD142)
a) Exploring the negative emotions of doing free works, the self-doubt and uncertainty of the future, “ What if I’m just not good enough for paid work”
b) Growing up, we try to fit in what the society sees as correct but along the way, we realised we had become someone that we can’t recognise.
a) Meneroka emosi negatif melakukan kerja bebas, keraguan diri dan ketidakpastian masa depan, “Bagaimana jika saya tidak cukup baik untuk pekerjaan berbayar”
b) Bila kita besar, kita cuba menyesuaikan diri sendiri dengan apa yang dilihat sebagai betul oleh masyarakat tetapi kita menyedari kita telah menjadi seseorang yang tidak dapat kita kenali.
Artist: Cz Blank (FB: Cz Blank IG: @cz.blank)
Producer: INCH LAB
Title: Roboape: SKARL
Size: 18cm (H)
Medium: Vinyl
Price: RM505 (Approx. USD118)
Eng: Roboape is an independence ape from another planet that travels to earth to explore and try to make new friends from other species. He looks rebellious and hyperactive but actually he is a gentle and friendly giant. However, he does have his own strong opinion on matters regarding ‘Lifestyle” and love to express in his own style.
BM: RoboApe adalah seekor monyet dari planet lain yang mengembara ke bumi untuk meneroka dan berusaha menjalin teman baru dari spesies lain. Dia kelihatan memberontak dan hiperaktif tetapi sebenarnya dia adalah gergasi yang lembut dan ramah. Namun, dia memang memiliki pendapat yang kuat dalam hal-hal mengenai ‘Gaya Hidup’ dan suka mengekspresikan dengan gayanya sendiri.
华文: RoboApe 是来一只来自另一个星球的独立人猿,它前往地球探索并试图结交来自其他生物种类的新朋友。他看起来叛逆和活泼,但实际上他是一个温和友善的巨猿。然而,他对自己的“生活方式”确实有自己的强烈意见,并且喜欢以自己的风格来表达。
Artist: Darrel Cheong 张耀中 (FB: Kamaboko IG: @kamabokoofficial)
Title: a) Lionboi (Original) / b) Lionboi (Enter the Lion) / c) Lionboi (Primary)
Size: 9.5cm (H)
Medium: Resin
Price: a) RM300 (Approx. USD72) / b) RM450 (Approx. USD106) / c) RM450 (Appox. USD106)
Eng: Lionboi is a character that is part of the Freeride Series. Derived from the quote, “Live Free, Ride Free”. Freeride aims to show the expressiveness of street culture and style through cute mask characters.
BM: Lionboi adalah watak yang sebahagian daripada Freeride Series. Berasal dari petikan, “Live Free, Ride Free”. Freeride bertujuan untuk menunjukkan ekspresi budaya dan gaya Street Culture melalui watak topeng yang comel.
华文: Lionboi 是 Freeride 系列中的角色。源自“ Live Free,Ride Free” 的宗旨。 Freeride 旨在通过可爱的面具角色展现街头文化和风格。
Artist: Chun Woei (FB: UrbanCr3atures IG: @urbancr3atures)
Title: The Yang of War
Size: 10cm (H)
Medium: Vinyl
Price: RM450 (Approx. USD106)
Eng: Yang has gone through a great journey to find his love and peace. Having to go through a thick jungle in the Amazon, going through hell’s gates of fire and the swam the deep ocean of the Atlantis and seeing the gods in heaven just to find his love and peace. It is war out there and Yang have to bring balance and order to the world as he going on his adventure. The adventure of discovering the true love and peace requires Yang to be strong and fight like a warrior. They call him the fearless Yang Of War.
BM: Yang telah melalui perjalanan yang cabar untuk mencari cinta dan kedamaiannya. Dia harus melalui hutan tebal di Amazon, melalui pintu api neraka dan berenang di lautan Atlantis yang dalam dan melihat para dewa di syurga untuk mencari cinta dan kedamaiannya. Meskipun ia adalah satu peperangan di luar sana, Yang harus membawa keseimbangan dan ketenteraman kepada dunia semasa dia meneruskan pengembaraannya. Pengembaraan untuk mencari cinta dan kedamaian sejati memerlukan Yang berkuat semangat dan berjuang seperti seorang wira. Mereka memanggilnya Yang Of War yang tidak gentar.
华文: Yang 经历过了一段伟大的旅程才能找到自己的爱与和平。他不只穿越亚马逊茂密的丛林,穿越地狱的火门,游遍亚特兰蒂斯的深海,也看到天堂中的众神为了只是寻找他的爱与和平。这是一场战争,Yang 在进行冒险时必须给世界带来平衡与秩序。探索真正的爱与和平的冒险需要 Yang 坚强并像战士一样战斗。众人都称他为无畏之战士。
Artist: Double A (FB: Arifin Amin IG: @aarifin_amin)
Title: DID Hapser Chibi
Size: 10cm (H)
Medium: Resin
Price: To be confirmed (Will be bundled with 2 artworks)
Eng: DID Hapser Chibi is an art toy series that was design base on a human mental health problem that is Dissociative Identity Disorder and DID Hapser Chibi is a chibi version of it.
BM: DID Hapser Chibi merupakan siri mainan seni yang merupakan reka bentuk berdasarkan masalah kesihatan mental manusia iaitu Dissociative Identity Disorder dan DID Hapser Chibi adalah versi chibi daripadanya.
华文: DID Hapser Chibi 是一款艺术玩具系列,其设计是基于人类心理健康问题,即分离性身份障碍,而 DID Hapser Chibi 则是它的赤壁版本。
Artist: Ah-b BlowWater (FB: Little Good Thing IG: @littlegoodthingsb)
Title: 入魔 into Nefarious
Size: 25cm (H)
Medium: Mixed Media
Price: RM3,000 One-Off (Approx. USD705)
Eng: Over obsessive or pursuit of something to the point of losing reason which produced undesirable effects on the physical and mental aspects of oneself. When you are obsessed with or pursuing something, you sometimes gain some experiences which most of the times are normal but sometimes they are also inappropriate and not ideal. When the things you pursue are increasingly filled with not so ideal or unsatisfactory situation, then you find your mental state living in an illusory world which is crazy and insane. Only to break through these mental and psychological barriers and through long-term spiritual self-reinforcing only then can you can achieve positive results.
BM: Terlalu obsesif atau mengejar sesuatu sehingga hilang akal yang menghasilkan kesan yang tidak diingini pada aspek fizikal dan mental diri. Apabila anda terobsesi atau mengejar sesuatu, anda kadang-kadang memperoleh beberapa pengalaman yang pada kebiasaannya adalah perkara biasa tetapi kadang-kadang mereka juga tidak sesuai dan apabila perkara-perkara yang anda jalani semakin dipenuhi dengan keadaan yang tidak begitu ideal atau tidak memuaskan, maka anda akan mendapati keadaan mental anda hidup dalam dunia ilusi yang gila dan tidak siuman. Mengatasi halangan mental dan psikologi dengan melalui pengukuhan diri rohani jangka panjang barulah anda dapat mencapai hasil yang positif.
华文: 表現对某种事物迷恋或追求到失去理智的地步直至身心等方面产生了不理想的效应。在对某种事物迷恋或追求会不断得到一些經驗,其中大部分是正常的理想的,有时也有些不妥当不理想的。當不理想的狀況不斷增加時,從而產生一種活在虚幻世界内,神昏错乱、躁狂疯颠的精神狀態。只有突破自己的精神心理障碍,通过长时间精神上的自我强化,方能修成正果。
Artist: Jefferson Ng (FB: JNJF Design IG: @jeffnjf)
Title: Experimental 01
Size: Figure 9cm (H) / Paiting 15cm (H)
Medium: Resin & Acrylic Paint
Price: RM280 per set (Approx. USD68)
Eng: Restart and experimenting with a passionate heart.
BM: Mulakan semula dan bereksperimen dengan hati yang penuh semangat.
Artist: Edward Low (FB: Drawdelow IG: @drawdelow)
Title: No Thanks
Size: Piggy 11cm (H) / Vampire 8cm (H)
Medium: Resin
Price: RM568 per set (Approx. USD134)
Eng: The typical client who kept big bag of money to himself and spend only a little to the poor artist who works his ass off to get it right. But doesn’t work for exposure? A Vampire of course!
BM: Pelanggan yang kedekut selalunya menyimpan sejumlah wang besar untuk sendiri dan hanya membayar wang yang sedikit untuk artis miskin yang mengusaha dengan sedaya upaya untuk menyelesaikannya. Tetapi tiada ada pelunag untuk dedahan yang luas? Sudah tentu si kedekut tu seorang Vampire!
Artist: Hadzry Sahari (FB: Hadzry Sahari IG: @hadztoyzmainkertas)
Title: Mr. E
Size: 12cm (H)
Medium: Epoxy Clay
Price: RM1,200 (Approx. USD285)
Eng: Mr. E is a man you wish you had never met. He is smart and shrewd. He will greet you with his big happy smile, impress you with his wealth and fortune, smooth talk you with his master plan until you can’t resist. But once you’re hooked, you’re dead! He looks smart and seems to be friendly but he is truly a monster! A villain! A @#$<.+=!! That’s he is. So beware …look does deceive you. Mr. E is everywhere preying for someone who is easily deceived.
BM: Mr E adalah seorang lelaki yang anda harap anda tidak akan pernah jumpa Dia pintar dan cerdik. Dia akan menyambut anda dengan senyuman yang gembira, mengesankan anda dengan kekayaannya, melancarkan percakapan dengan pelan bertapa besar sehingga anda tidak dapat menentangnya. Tetapi setelah anda terpikat, anda akan mati! Dia kelihatan pintar dan nampak mesra tetapi dia benar-benar adalah raksasa jahat! Seorang penjahat! A @ # $ <. + = !! Itulah dia. Jadi berhati-hatilah … rupa memang menipu anda. Mr E ada di mana-mana sahaja memburu mangsa yang mudah ditipu.
华文: E先生是一个您希望从未见过的人。他很聪明也很狡猾。他将以灿烂的笑容向您打招呼,炫耀他的财富来打动您,并以他的大规划与您进行交流,直到您无法抗拒。但是,一旦您上钩,您就死定了!他看起来很聪明,似乎很友善,但他确实是个大恶魔!一个坏人!一个@#$ <。+ = !! 所以您要当心…人不可貌相。 像E先生这种人随处可见而他们到处一直在行骗。
Artist: @Cham LengLiang (FB: Uncle Liang – The Recycle Modeller IG: @uncle_liang266)
Title: a) New Born Sea Turtle / b) Pac Man Frog
Size: 4.7cm (H)
Medium: Mixed Media
Price: a) RM100 (Approx. USD25) / b) RM100 (Approx. USD25)
Eng: Uncle Liang is a recycling modeler who create figure or sculpture from everyday scraps or any available materials. This time round he is inspired by the nature and created New Born Sea Turtle and Pac Man Frog.
BM: Uncle Liang adalah pemodel kitar semula yang membuat ukiran dari sisa harian atau mana-mana bahan yang sedia ada. Kali ini dia terinspirasi oleh alam sekitar dan menciptakan New Born Sea Turtle dan Pac Man Frog.
华文: Uncle Liang 是一位回收雕刻和玩具造型和设计师,他用日常的废料或任何可用的材料创造不同主题的雕像或玩具。这次他受到大自然的启发,创造了New Born Sea Turtle 和 Pac Man Frog。

This year is MY Toy Hoard‘s 3rd anniversary and we will celebrate our 3rd anniversary for 3 months, starting from July to September. The main mission of MY Toy Hoard in the body is to promote Malaysian (veteran and new) toys to the world, therefore, in conjunction with our anniversary, we would like to start our celebration first with the Designer Toy exhibition, called ′′ My Toys 2.0 EXPOSURE ′′ for Malaysian artists showcasing their latest creations. – DesignToys Jang of MY Toy Hoard

Date: 17th July until 2nd August 2020 (Grand opening 25th July)

Venue: Greydea Studio 30-1, Jalan Wan Kadir 4, TTDI, 6000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Tickets are not needed but please call before visit on weekdays. Phone number +60 13 247 7825

For further info or how to purchase if you can’t make it to the exhibition hit up  MY Toy Hoard Facebook group.

You can get your daily Designer Toy fix from our TTC Mobile App. It’s free too! FREE! Download on the iPhone or Android smartphones. Search for “The Toy Chronicle” and all your Designer Toy wishes will come true! Pretty much.

Did we fail to mention IT’s FREE.


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Written by Andy

A Yellow guy with bad English who's a chef by trade but addicted to toys and art. Instagram nutter rambling food addict who likes to take photos of everything I eat (most Asians do right?) Please don't class me as a journalist or blogger, more on the lines of talent scout and always backs the little guy.

Instagram ( BigToyPoo)
I am that one dickhead too.

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