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Monsters By Vanessa Ramirez x Leanna Lin’s Wonderland

Vanessa Ramirez is one of the artist who took part in Leanna Lins Wonderland Wonderland Summer Spectacular Art Show over the weekend. Celebrating Leanna Lin’s Wonderland 6th BIRTHDAY (Happy Belated BIRTHDAY) we hope cake n beer were involved. Vanessa created her wonderful Monsters for the show and they are now up online and need a new home.


[slider source=”media: 50268,50265,50267,50266″ limit=”100″ width=”300″ title=”no” pages=”no”]

  • apoxie clay & acrylic.
  • 4.5 in. tall


[slider source=”media: 50272,50271,50269,50270″ limit=”100″ width=”300″ title=”no” pages=”no”]

  • apoxie clay & acrylic.
  • 6.5 in. tall.


[slider source=”media: 50275,50274,50273″ limit=”100″ width=”300″ title=”no” pages=”no”]

  • apoxie clay & acrylic.
  • 6.5 in. tall.

We love Vanessa monsters as they remind us a little like”Where The Wild Things Are” Obviously not the same. Falling in love with the texture and personally Vanessa has put into these monsters. Being big fans of Vanessa’s art from drawings to sculptures like these, we’ve always been late to bring you the news before they have been snapped up so this will be your chance to own these little critters.

Curated by the cute folks at Supahcute, Wonderland Summer Spectacular Art Show runs till August 28, 2016. Vanessa was joined by other artist for the show and you should check out the quality and cuteness involved.

Wonderland Summer Spectacular will be on view at Leanna Lin’s Wonderland through August 28. Reminder: 10% of proceeds will be donated to DSTL Arts! They are all online for you to buy NOW HERE, along with other art from various artists.

Photo credit to Madeline Brogdon Photography
Photo credit to Madeline Brogdon

Find Vanessa via, Twitter and Instagram. for more info.

(Info lifted from Supahcute)

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TTC Legend

Written by Andy

A Yellow guy with bad English who's a chef by trade but addicted to toys and art. Instagram nutter rambling food addict who likes to take photos of everything I eat (most Asians do right?) Please don't class me as a journalist or blogger, more on the lines of talent scout and always backs the little guy.

Instagram ( BigToyPoo)
I am that one dickhead too.

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