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Living Jewel by Blank William

From Everyday Warriors to  kingdom-figures and the unforgettable Ideals, Dreams,and Hard Facts, New York based designer, Blank William over the years has created sleek and minimalistic pieces with a touch of classy bling, his style is recognisable. Some of Williams art has been produced by VTSS and VINS transforming renders into Blank’s art into resin and vinyl pieces. We fell in love with Blank’s style ever since we laid eyes on kingdom-figures and now last week Blank teased the next stage of “Living Jewel” a Koi in his signature style with a homage to the top fashions houses.

Could the Living Jewel be the next release with VTSS x VINS? Stay tuned for the update.

Find Blank via Instagram and

 VINS via Instagram for further info. and for more designer toy goodness.

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TTC Legend

Written by Andy

A Yellow guy with bad English who's a chef by trade but addicted to toys and art. Instagram nutter rambling food addict who likes to take photos of everything I eat (most Asians do right?) Please don't class me as a journalist or blogger, more on the lines of talent scout and always backs the little guy.

Instagram ( BigToyPoo)
I am that one dickhead too.

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