Last month, Art Junkie unleashed LAMBDAN via art junkie aj fever aj狂熱份子 Facebook Group HERE. Let’s all breath…….. It’s finally here! for those who missed out theirs, a small restock for especially for general sale. ART JUNKIE Shinichiro AJ Kato is set to unleash LAMBDAN! We’ve seen and owned the big infamous King Pakara but now its time for LAMBDAN to hit our love buttons. Talk about genetically modified cutness! This week will see the first launch of the LAMBDAN 1st Color Edition and the icing on the cake is international sales are welcomed. Get that F5 finger ready.
[LAMBDAN] 1st Color

Domestic Sales (in Japan) September 26, 2020, 21:00 ~Art junkie webshop
LAMBDAN 1st Color ¥4,180 (about £32)+Shiping cost+PayPal feePayPal only 26 Sep. 2020, 21:00~(Japan Time) International ART JUNKIE ONLINE STORE
*PayPal payment only
*Only one can be purchased per household
*Will ship overseas by EMS. We cannot ship to areas where EMS is suspended
Find Shinichiro at and Twitter.
You can get your daily Designer Toy fix from our TTC Mobile App. It’s free too! FREE! Download on the iPhone or Android smartphones. Search for “The Toy Chronicle” and all your Designer Toy wishes will come true! Pretty much.
Did we fail to mention IT’s FREE.