Do we have South East Asia’s answer to the ED-209? The mastermind behind this is Song Niti of Nogs Studio! powered by elements the first one to roll out is the dark element Elements EM Machine. Built to protect its master this enforcer is already powered up and ready to roll out. Featuring a slight retro colourway should have Mecha fans hyperventilate. Is Nogs building a fleet of Elements Machines? Who knows all we know they are armoured up and the last coating so they are ready to deploy next week!
WHEN: 12th July 2021 8:00 PM (Thailand Time)
WHERE: Direct message via Instagram and Facebook or +1 on the latest photo that will be published 12th July 2021 8:00 PM (Thailand Time)
Price: 89 USD/ Pcs.
( +15 USD for shipping in Asia / +20 USD for Europe and America )
Pay by Paypal
ปิดจอง ” EM-01″
ในวันที่ 12 กรกฎาคม 2021 เวลา 20:00 น. (2ทุ่ม)
ราคา 2,400 บาท /ตัว [+ค่าจัดส่ง EMS 100 บาท]
มาก่อนได้ก่อน ช้าหมดอดนะจ๊ะ!!
Nogs Studio at Instagram and Facebook.
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