
1000tentacles Presents BumbleFly

 Some bio-chemistry has happened and is ready to be unleashed from Our Artist Spotlight artist 1000Tentacles. The next step inforced evolution by the mad scientist 1000tentacles? BumbleFly has all the hallmarks of 1000tentacles style and finish. Just over 3 years ago we saw the stages of The FLY evolution in resin form and SuperFly vinyl was one of the first stages. NOW ITS BACK, and HENCH! No flycatcher is big enough for these bad boys! 1000tentacles presents BumbleFly! we can’t wait to see the rest of the series unfold. 

WHEN: Worldwide pre-order will begin 6th May, 11am, Malaysia time!


1) PM OR Email ( us with subject titles: BumbleFly_Pre-Order. Mention the quantity you would like to purchase.

2) 1000tentacles will reply with payment info. Payment by Paypal.

*Due to the limited quantity, delayed payment consider canceled order. Orders are based on a first-come, first-served basis, untill sold out.

3) after payment, pls notify 1000tentacles by leaving your payment slip and mailing info. You will receive confirmation from us. DONE!

<老蝇王> 明天,11:00am开订!



1)私信 或者 电邮(请注明<老蝇王>下单以及数量。

2)我方会回复告知汇款资料。 汇款方式为paypal。 因限量的关系,订单成立以汇款为准。延误汇款视同放弃,还请明白。

3)完成汇款后,请告知付款收据及邮寄资料。我方会回复您的信息或电邮。 下单完成!

or our sponsors  ( Use code TTC5 for 5% off everything except customs. ) (please note the code changes every month so feel free to keep checking for the latest codes HERE *code is to be used once and to new sign-ups)

Check out our Artist Spotlight article and enter the world of 1000Tentacles.

You can find 1000tentacles via Website, Facebook and Blog

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TTC Legend

Written by Andy

A Yellow guy with bad English who's a chef by trade but addicted to toys and art. Instagram nutter rambling food addict who likes to take photos of everything I eat (most Asians do right?) Please don't class me as a journalist or blogger, more on the lines of talent scout and always backs the little guy.

Instagram ( BigToyPoo)
I am that one dickhead too.

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