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Feeding Plants x Ypsilon x Kissing Stones = Codeczombie

Codeczombie creations just mesmerises me weather you class it as sculpture / art /toy or what ever you want I was simply amazed, visually stunning great design. The graphic designer / illustrator from Italy  has created three designs and all got me glued  to my  screen from the first time I discovered his work. Using 3D printer he created Feeding Plants x Ypsilon x Kissing Stones.

Codeczombie first release was Kissing Stones which is an absolute beauty!

Kissing Stones

KISSING STONES from c o d e c z o m b i e on Vimeo.

kissing stones codeczombie 2 kissing stones codeczombie 3 kissing stones codeczombie 4 kissing stones codeczombie 5 kissing stones codeczombie close up kissing stones codeczombie

Limited edition series of 15 pieces – sn+proo
27cm (10.6inch) tall sculpture, sculpted in Zbrush, 3D laser sinthered and hand painted/crafted on glass bell.

Second release was Ypsilon

Ypsilon from c o d e c z o m b i e on Vimeo.

codeczombie Ypsilon close up codeczombie Ypsilon 9 codeczombie Ypsilon 7 codeczombie Ypsilon 6 codeczombie Ypsilon 5 codeczombie Ypsilon 4 codeczombie Ypsilon 3

Limited edition series of 15 pieces 
27cm (10.6inch) tall sculpture, sculpted in Zbrush, 3D laser sinthered and hand painted/crafted on handmade glass bell.

Codeczombie latest is Feeding Plants

Codeczombie  Feeding Plants 6 Codeczombie  Feeding Plants 7

Limited edition series of 15 pieces 27cm (10.6inch) tall sculpture, sculpted in Zbrush, 3D laser sinthered and hand painted/crafted on glass bell

All stunning right? just love his style, so elegant with dashes of colour, just works so well.  All his work is very limited which might be a downfall if your looking to buy one from him, you can contact him see if he has any left Via no word on the pricing. Lets hope he can make more or even in Vinyl.

To check out more of his work simply head over to or Facebook him HERE


(all info and photo are from Alessandro Randi Behance )

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Written by Andy

A Yellow guy with bad English who's a chef by trade but addicted to toys and art. Instagram nutter rambling food addict who likes to take photos of everything I eat (most Asians do right?) Please don't class me as a journalist or blogger, more on the lines of talent scout and always backs the little guy.

Instagram ( BigToyPoo)
I am that one dickhead too.

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