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Rinkaku and Nimbus by Tomodachi Island 

No need for hocus pocus and black magic as Emelie Jensen of Tomodachi Island has put some practical magic as Emelie works her magic on a couple of platforms in a lovely Fall colour palette! Emelie using the adorable platform is Kurobokan’s Daydreaming Nimbus and Core Kashi x Frogtree’s Rinkaku as a canvas. Six items will be available so a fairly large shop drop from Emilie


A Japanese-inspired custom Day Dream Nimbus by Kurobokan. This is with the motif of a Japanese Koi Karp.

First, these beauties! I love incorporating these Japanese motifs and don’t think they are seen enough in the toy scene, even though they definitely are on the rise. The colours really pop against the black. I like to go over the base with my airbrush and fluorescent acrylics to give it that extra pop.

Hand-painted and airbrushed with acrylics. Finished with a UV-resistant Matte Varnish.

Limited edition of 2. Signed and Numbered.


A Japanese inspired custom Day Dream Nimbus by Kurobokan. This is with the motif of glowing peonies.

I really pushed myself here and wanted to work with light! It took me some time to get it all right. I am used to working with rim lights and glow in photoshop, but to put it to work with acrylics was a whole new experience for me. The principle is the same but the execution is totally different.

Hand-painted and airbrushed with acrylics. Finished with a UV-resistant Matte Varnish.

Limited edition of 2. Signed and Numbered.


A Custom Rinkaku by FrogTree, hand-painted by Emelie Jensen. Inspired by an active volcano.

The inspiration for this colourway was a volcano or a cinder. Something that was burning from the inside but still gave the impression of a solid outer shell. I think I managed quite well…. they really do look like they’re filled with flaming hot lava.

Though my colourways are always unique and limited edition, I like to keep a theme with the Rinkaku. So you will most likely always see the same inspired pattern on its tail and some form of peonies by its right leg. If you collect my Rinkaku customs, they will look fantastic next to one another at a slight angle.

Hand-painted and airburshed with acrylics. Finished with a UV-resistant Matte Varnish.

Limited edition of 2. Signed and Numbered.

WHEN: TODAY, Thursday 20th of October at 7.00 PM London time!


PRICE: NIMBUS – £200 each and RINKAKU – £230 each

Check out our interview with Tomodachi Island HERE.

*All info and pics via 

Whilst we have your attention, look out for Obi!

You can find Emilie’s work over at , and Instagram: tomodachiisland.

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Written by Andy

A Yellow guy with bad English who's a chef by trade but addicted to toys and art. Instagram nutter rambling food addict who likes to take photos of everything I eat (most Asians do right?) Please don't class me as a journalist or blogger, more on the lines of talent scout and always backs the little guy.

Instagram ( BigToyPoo)
I am that one dickhead too.

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