Kaori Hinata fans your can wipe your tears of sadness as Medicom have announced an online release of black and the white edition of Hinatique’s MORRIS! Collectors who couldn’t make it to DCon and Wonder Festival will now have an
The limited re-release of White Morris which received an enthusiastic popularity
at last year’s Anaheim DCon and Wonder Festival in last February.
Also the limited re-release of Black Morris in response to overwhelming Requests!
WHEN: NOW Limited time only! Ends 11th April /2019 00:00:00 JST
Mold production: KAORI HINATA
●Height: approximately each 130mm
++How to apply for the WHITE MORRIS/ BLACK MORRIS lottery++
(Please read carefully)
From 0:00 on March 24, 2019 to 23:59 on April 10, 2019.
* The application is one-time only.
Please enter all the information very carefully.
[payment method]
We accept payment via PAYPAL or Credit card.
[Regarding application and winning]
ONLY the lottery winners can purchase WHITE MORRIS and/ or BLACK MORRIS.
One application per household, please.
*A household is one mail address and the street address.
* cjmart will contact WINNERS ONLY by April 2th0, 2019.
Please note you CANNOT DECLINE the winning right.
***Please note that we do not accept inquiries about the lottery results.***
[[the cases to become INVALID]]
– If the email address is wrong
– If the mails sent returns
– If the shipping address is incorrect or insufficient
– If we find multiple applications from one household
– If the payment declines
PRICE: 8,000 yen

Find Koari onFacebook: Kaori Hinata
Instagram: hinatique https://www.instagram.com/hinatique/
Twitter: @hinatique https://twitter.com/hinatique
Website: http://hinatique.pupu.jp/
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