Here’s to Beer and doughnuts. The cause of, and solution to, all of life’s problems! abiebi Worldwide Release is here! You’ve asked, you have begged and now LibertyBalls “OG” Edition is finally here.
In Donuts We Trust In this world full of bullshit, you can’t trust anything anymore. But here is a tip for you, no matter what happens, you know you can always trust doughnuts, beer, and the most important thing, TRUST YOUR BALLS!.
Here he comes! Freedom for donuts and beer! meet Liberballs from the Ballseye series by abiebi. The artist who brought you Dadballs, Spongeballs and Ballseye Bartballs is gearing up for his new release LiberBalls. The obsession with all things Ballseye and Simpsons Inspired by the philosophy “Eyes are the window to the soul”. Interesting concept! Indonesia based Abiebi has taken the iconic Homer Simpson! removed his nose & eyes and placed them where his genitalia should be. Honestly, we laughed out loud when we first caught sight of Bart edition Ballseye a couple of years back and now Abiebi presents the anticipated LibertyBalls “OG” Edition in the Classic colourway. Do we now wonder have The Simpsons predicted this release? Who knows all we know is the fact LibertyBalls “OG” Edition will be released tomorrow.

**There will be 2 different ballseye, that will ship randomly.
Run size : 20pcs
WHEN: 12th August 2021
Jakarta, Indonesia
12 August 2021 at 08:00PM
New York, United States
12 August 2021 at 09:00AM
London, United Kingdom
12 August 2021 at 01:00PM
Singapore / Taipei / Hong Kong
12 August 2021 2020 at 09:00PM
Tokyo Japan
12 August 2021 at 10:00PM
***Shipping starts on 30 August 2021
* Each figure is hand-painted and manual casting may come with imperfections, these are not defects but part of the artistic value that makes the figure unique.
Check out Abiebi’s Instagram HERE.

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